Best Face Masks For Spa Sundays
in Beauty Product Reviews Skin Care

Best Face Masks For Spa Sundays

best face masks

Best face masks. I like to wake up early on Sunday mornings. There is very little traffic outside and last night’s revelers have left for home. Yaletown’s party atmosphere has settled down. This is me time and one thing I like to do is put on a relaxing face mask and take some time to care for my skin.  I’ve collected a number of masks but they are all for different occasions and different skin care needs. I’ve already mentioned a number of my face masks but there are a few I haven’t yet talked about. So read on to find out about some of the best face masks.

best face masks

A great basic one is Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque.  In the summer when my skin gets a bit more oily, I use this one 2-3 times a week. It’s nice and thick and keeps my pores in check and any potential breakouts under control. Someone once asked me when I have the time to apply it. Well that’s an easy answer: I wake up, wash my face and apply it. Then I brush my teeth, the mask hardens and I simply wash it off in the shower. Done and done and I’m ready for my day.

best face masks

When I want to feel a little bit more luxurious I turn to Fresh. I really love their line of products. The Rose Face Mask is pure luxury in a jar. With actual rose petals floating in a gel it’s very decadent. How do I describe the scent? Well, find a great big bouquet of roses, bury your nose in them, close your eyes and inhale deeply. There you have it, minus the sweetness. It’s really quite sublime.  I don’t buy this one very often but when I do I try to make it last as long as possible. After I’ve applied it, I sit on my couch close my eyes and feel all the goodness seeping into my skin.

best face masks

Recently I decided to splurge and bought the Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask. I actually expected it to be a dark colour and to smell like a cup of tea but instead it seems that the lychee fruit is the stronger smelling ingredient. Fine by me. It has a lovely fresh summery scent. I feel at least 10 years younger when I put it on. This morning when I put it on the birds were singing and I could smell the ocean wafting through my windows. How’s that for a perfect Sunday morning?

Check out the best face masks to create your own Spa Sunday:


*For the best face masks and more beauty don’t forget to follow me on instagram and twitter*


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  1. Holy spa god…love every single item! Looks like I could use some of that..so stressed…


    1. Ha! Oh I’m so glad you like this!

  2. Me time is very important. We need to re-charge. I’ve always wanted to try a facial mask but never felt entitled to one. You’re inspiring me to cast away that dumb thought.

    1. Are you kidding me?! You need to go out and get one asap! Start with the Bliss one, you’ll love it!

  3. Jamie "ChatterBlossom"

    Oh wow, that black tea one sounds heavenly. I just got a massage with the hubs for one of our dates and this would have been perfect to put on during the spa day!

    1. Oh you would have loved it!!!

  4. I’ve seen the Fresh mask, and I was debating if I really wanted to try it out.

    1. Oh get a sample! Try it out a couple of times!

  5. Jenifer Balatico

    The “fresh black tea” sounds interesting to me and would really be happy to give it a try.
    Hugs and kisses from ♥ missJHENZ

    1. It is so lovely! You should get a sample.

  6. Wow, these are seriously great tips for a skin care routine. The fresh black tea and Kiehl’s masks seem really helpful and interesting!! Thanks for this great review!

    If you get a sec, please check out my latest post ‘Holy Chic’ Thank you 🙂



    1. Well thank you!

  7. Great post 🙂
    Summer giveaway on my blog, check it out 🙂

    xx Sofie

    Your Princess is in Another Castle

  8. It’s funny because I do exactly the same on Sunday mornings! First a purifying mask, then a collagen mask. Thanks for sharing these luxurious products!
    Coco et La vie en rose
    Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
    Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

    1. Oh I’m glad I’m not the only one! I feel like it’s the best way to prepare myself for a new week.

  9. I love to use a good face mask to keep my skin looking healthy! The black tea instant perfecting mask looks like something I would use. Where do you buy it, online?
    By the way, my mom swears by cellex-c. She loves it.
    Xo, Jackie


    1. I buy mine from my local beauty store but you can definitely order it online and I know that Sephora carries it!

  10. miss Margaret Cruzemark

    Fresh must be a great brand. Loved the face mask. So sorry I can’t find it in Greece…
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

    1. Oh too bad! Well here’s the deal, if I go to Greece I will definitely bring you some!

  11. thanks for sharing these Caroline, i love a good face as it helps to eliminates my acne. They also keep u looking fresh. have a great week

    1. Yes! It keeps all those nasty little breakouts under control!

  12. Hope Howland (@HHDesigns)

    This sounds absolutely delightful…

    1. I love trying out new face masks!

  13. hi dear! you are very beautiful and poetically describe cosmetic products and their use. it’s very inspiring!

    1. Awe thanks, you’re so sweet. I really appreciate that!

  14. Stephanie @ Diary of a Debutante

    I’m in love with Bliss, especially their Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Mask. Great picks! You’re making me want a spa day 🙁

    Diary of a Debutante

  15. I’m definitely going to have to look into these! That’s the one thing that I need to start doing ASAP is looking for better skin care!

    1. A mask a week is a must!

  16. I have tried the one from Bliss…I liked the foam effect. Have you tried Korres ? It is nice too.

    PS Thank you for your lovely comment 🙂

  17. Great post! Looks like wonderful product sweetie!


  18. I swear by the Kiehl’s Rare Earth masque, it makes my skin feel great and refreshed! Thank you for sharing this list I am very interested in trying the Black Tea mask it looks amazing!


    1. It’s fantastic you should definitely try it!

  19. Omg Kiehls & Fresh facial masks?! I’m so jelly right now lmao 😛
    i need to find some samples and try them too.

  20. Suzanne Minskey

    I like to do my face masks in the bath in the evening. I used to do it every Sunday but got out of the habit when I had kids. Now that we’ll be moving into a new house with a big jacuzzi tub, it’s definitely going to be back to ME TIME on Sunday nights! I’m going to try out those Fresh masks. They sound lovely! I also really love the Korres Rose and Vitamin C Sleeping Facial. I use that on my face in the bath sometimes and let the heat and the steam help it to penetrate.

  21. I adore that Kiehl’s mask! It’s my all time favorite! Lovely post!

    1. Thank you! Yup, that mask has been a favourite for a long time.

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