How to eat healthy without trying. So you’ve been going to the gym regularly and you’ve been pushing yourself (good for you!), but you still aren’t seeing the results you really want. You know that it’s time to overhaul your diet, but the thought of eating healthy 24/7 is daunting and besides, you don’t have time to cook and you just plain don’t want to change.
Sunday is prep day. The key is to making this easy and a no brainer. On Sunday, cut up or buy a bag of pre-cut veggies. Place some hummus on the bottom of a jar and add a handful of veggies. Place them in your fridge and you have the perfect snack for the week. Another trick that I do is hard boil eggs on Sunday and place them in my fridge. This way I can make a quick sandwich or just have them as a snack when I’m hungry.
Portion control. When I’m hungry and tired, any thoughts of portions goes right out the window. A trick to making this work is to pre-plan your portions. Since Sunday is now your prep day, take some time to make a large pot of quinoa or beans for the week and rather than leaving the food in the pot, place it in small containers. This way when you’re hungry, you already have a ready made portion and you won’t be tempted to dig into a huge pot.
Don’t just stick with diet foods. While I love vegetables, I’m not the biggest fan of salad leaves. Some are okay, but I prefer to use them as a base rather than a main ingredient…..there I said it. If you are like me, it’s not realistic to find yourself eating salads all day. Truth be told, I find myself throwing on a lot of salad dressing on leaf based salads and that’s not necessarily a healthy choice. So why not indulge in the vegetables you love? Asparagus, beets (especially the yellow ones), broccoli, zucchini all make for wonderful ingredients. Of course, a calorie is a calorie, but your low-calorie veggies like peppers and cucumbers go a long way to making you feel full and you’d have to eat huge amounts for them to have a negative impact on your waistline.
Love a stir fry. This is an old family trick. Look into the fridge and throw everything into a wok. I don’t know what it is about a wok, but it makes everything taste great.
Add veggies to everything. I always have frozen vegetables in my freezer. While it may be better to have them fresh, a wide variety isn’t always available where I live. The first thing I do is throw a whole lot of veggies into my meal and I make sure to eat them first. Not only am I getting my daily serving of greens, but I’m also not going to eat as much as they will fill me up.
Reach for fruit first. My town, seriously, has a sweets shop on every corner and each local food shop (there are 6 within less than a 5 minute walk), has a section of fresh pastries that gets delivered every day. Sometimes it’s hard to resist. So what do you do? Reach for fruit. An apple, for instance, can be dipped in cinnamon to give it that something extra. This might not always work, but sometimes it will do just the trick and if it doesn’t then it will at least fill you up, so hopefully you won’t eat as much sugar later.
So you see, it’s really all about taking small steps and not making drastic changes all at once. This way you’ll be more likely to stick to a good plan without going off the rails at the slightest bit of stress that life throws your way.
What are some of your tips for eating healthy?
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Great tips! I always find planning meals in advance means i eat much healthier (and avoid picking up junk food!) I need to work on portion sizes though, oops! x
Portion size the absolute hardest, I totally get it!
Great tips! I do to prep on Sundays, but I do find cooking quite therapeutic during the week. So I plan what I’m going to make but don’t necessarily make everything on Sundays.
I totally agree! My lifestyle lets me pick up food as I go during the week so I plan ahead but everything is made the day of.
Great tips! I eat a low carb, high fat diet and it’s literally soooooo easy and it keeps my blood sugar in check. How can you say no to a meal plan that involves eating all the bacon you want??
Thank you! I think that there are so many different “eating plans” that there’s something for everyone.