7 times it is okay to skip a workout. So you’ve been going to the gym diligently, you’re feeling great and are on a roll, but then a day comes when you have to miss a workout. Now, I’m not talking about the kind of day off that’s just an excuse because the couch is so comfy and it’s rainy outside and you don’t have any clean gym clothes, but one of those days when you really shouldn’t be at the gym. Know that there will be those times when it is better to stay home and away from the gym.
If you go diligently. If you are already an avid exerciser and you go 4-5 times a week then it might be okay to take a day off every once in a while. Sometimes our bodies and minds just need a break or a change of pace, so go ahead and relax, just make sure that this doesn’t become a habit.
If you aren’t getting enough sleep. Sleep is so crucial to muscle recovery that if you are chronically under sleeping, you might want to ease up on the workouts. If you can’t fathom the idea of missing a workout, opt for a yin yoga class instead of an intense cardio session.
If you got a different workout. You may have just spent an intense day lifting boxes during a move or gone for a hike, ran a 10k (or more) or even spent the day playing actively with your kids in the park. If that’s the case, you don’t necessarily need to pound it out at the gym.
If you are sick. There are different schools of thought on this subject, but if you have a mild cold that’s not in your chest and you don’t have a fever, it’s probably okay to go for an easy workout to flush out the toxins. If, however, you’d rather just hide under the covers and drink tea, that’s okay too.
If you are Really sore. Sometimes when we start a new fitness regime, DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) can be really bad causing a limited range of motion and extreme discomfort. In cases like this, it’s okay to take a day or two off, but it’s probably a good idea to do some light stretching and walking. Don’t let this be an excuse to become at one with the couch.
If you are injured. There’s nothing more frustrating that sitting on the couch, icing an injury and feeling bitter about the fact that you are not working out. The fact is, if you want to get better and recover faster then it’s vital to take a break. Our bodies are amazing and they can heal, but that injury will come back to bite you later on if you don’t treat it with some respect. Consult a physio to see if there is anything else that you can do to stay active and help speed up the healing process. I discovered Pilates after a really bad hamstring tear and its what I attribute to getting me back in dancing form.
If you are too busy. There are those days when you’ve had what has felt like a million meetings, maybe a doctor’s appointment and maybe the kids are sick and the gym has fallen way down on your list of priorities. You know what, don’t stress, give it a rest and skip that day. You might want to sneak in a workout later in the week or even increase your workout time by 15 minutes on the other days. If you can, give yourself a nice long stretch in the evening. Not only will it be relaxing and help you sleep better, but you’ll also feel like you did something.
While I’m a big proponent of scheduling ahead and planning out your workouts and making them a priority, there are also times when it’s important to listen to your body and to know when to take a break. By doing this you’ll find that you are more enthusiastic at the thought of your next workout and you’ll probably work harder and more productively.
When do you skip workouts?
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images courtesy of DollarPhotoClub
This is such an important thing that gets overlooked so easily. There has been many times that I’ve been sore but have wanted to go for a run regardless. It is hard for me to take a break when I’m in the swing of things because i always worry I’ll never get back to it. On another note, I’m sorry I haven’t commented lately, I have been keeping up with you, just run off my feet and squeezing in some blog reading as a form of procrastination!
Ha! No problem at all… I do the same thing and I’m just happy that you are around and that you chose to stop by today! I find it really hard to take a break too.