Activities That Count As Exercise. Alright, so ideally, we’d all be working the fields every day and there would be no need for gyms and fitting in sweat sessions. Reality, however, dictates that most of us are doing some sort of office job and spending way too much time driving. I’m definitely one of those people who believes that everyone can fit in 10-15 minutes of exercise into their day, but I also believe that we don’t give ourselves credit for the movement we do on a daily basis.
Sure it might be better if we could get to the gym and put in the time but on the flip side of that spending an hour at the gym and then the rest of our day sitting isn’t great either. The key is to not let yourself sit for too long, even if that means getting up and walking on the spot then that’s what you need to do.
While I do believe that everyone should be fitting in real workouts, we can’t completely discount the small things that count. Just to be clear, they are contributing to the absolute minimum of what we should be doing.
Aerobic activity. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. The guidelines suggest that you spread out this exercise during the course of a week. Even small amounts of physical activity are helpful, and accumulated activity throughout the day adds up to provide health benefit.
Strength training. Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week. Aim to do a single set of each exercise, using a weight or resistance level heavy enough to tire your muscles after about 12 to 15 repetitions.
Grocery Shopping. A longer shop certainly counts as exercise because you are walking. When you get home do a set of squats or lunges, then do 10 overhead lifts before putting away any liquids, and you are all set. Sure it might look a little bit weird but no one has to see you do it and this way you are adding more time to your daily movement goals.
Cleaning. Okay, most of us don’t really love cleaning but if you make it into a workout it can be fun. Put on some music and dance around while you vacuum. Need to clean the bathroom? Then just do calf raises while you wipe down the mirror. Mopping the floor? This is the perfect time for lunges.
Gardening. I don’t know how you can’t get a workout while gardening. Planting and weeding is exhausting, so if you have a garden make the most of it.
Washing Your Car. This only counts if you are doing it. So while I understand that it’s tempting to drive your car through a wash, why not take a sunny weekend afternoon to do it yourself. You will be outside performing functional movements while breaking into a sweat, what could be better?
Walking. Whether this is taking a flight of stairs or walking to the store or just taking a walk after work, walking is always a great form of exercise so don’t discount it and do as much as you can, whenever you can. Burn extra calories by lifting your knees and pumping your arms. Full disclosure, there’s a snowstorm outside while I write this but I’m still getting in my 10,000 steps because I’ve been getting up every 45 minutes or so and just walking on the spot.
Cooking. At some point you have to eat. Instead of just making dinner, make it into a workout. Add your favourite moves while you wait for it to be done.
None of these activities are in place of real workouts but they are so much better than just spending your day sitting on the couch!
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