At Home Quickstart Workout
in Fit on the Side Workouts

At Home Quickstart Workout

At home quickstart workout. Okay, it’s time to stop fooling around with gentle workouts. While I’m actually fine with them most of the time, sometimes we just need a good solid sweat session to start the day. I’ve been working out at home lately (in addition to going to the gym) and I’m surprised at how intensive my workouts are. So if you just aren’t making it to the gym, whether it be due to time or financial constraints, try this workout for a couple of weeks and let me know how it goes.

at home quickstart workout



If truth be told then I don’t believe there’s really a better or worse time to workout during the day. If it works for you and you actually do workout then stick with what you are doing. If you are still on the fence then this just might make you a morning person:

Using the weights/machines you want. If you are going to the gym and not working out at home then you’ll reap the benefits of way fewer people getting in your way in a much emptier gym than say one at 5pm.

More focus. There’s no better way to wake up your body than with a solid workout. Break a sweat in the morning and you’ll find yourself more mentally alert throughout the day.

You might actually do it. When you schedule your workout for the evening or afternoon it’s so easy to let life get in the way, but in the morning, well… There are no excuses.

You can be one of “those” people. Everyone has that perky friend who manages to run a marathon before showing up to work in the morning. Now you can be someone else’s aspiration.

You will want to eat healthy foods. There’s something that happens to you after a workout making you want to eat healthy (at least temporarily). As your body starts to feel good, you’ll find yourself reaching for fresh foods because after all, you don’t want to undo all the good you just did.

You’ll feel great. Endorphins are a very powerful group of hormones. As they are released into your system, even a bad morning won’t seem so bad.


I like to start my morning workout by getting my heart pumping and working up a sweat. Start by doing one minute of jumping jacks to wake your muscles up. Just click on the image to download the workout and see below for a breakdown of each exercise.


at home quickstart workout

Side Lunges. Just like lunges to the front and back, but for these you’ll be stepping out to the side. Make sure to place your hands on your hips (this forces you to use your abdominals as a stabilizer). Take a big step out the side with your right foot. Make sure that you aren’t moving your left leg. Press your right foot into the floor to return to your start position. Repeat on the other foot. This is one set. Complete 12 sets.

Inchworm/Walkout. Standing tall with your feet hip distance apart, bend your knees into a squat position and place your hands on the floor. Walk your hands out until you are in a push up position and add a push up. Walk your self back into the squat and stand up. Do this 12x.

Squat Jumps. Ready to get that heart pumping again? Squat jumps are exactly like they sound. Standing with your feet hip distance apart, lower your body into a deep squat. Now do an explosive jump shooting your arms up into the air. As you land, let your arms swing back (hint, they will help you with the jump). For a tougher version, keep your hands by your ears, like you would in a crunch. Do this 12x

Teaser with a Twist. Lying flat on the ground with your arms reaching by your ears, take a breath and as you exhale and start to curl your upper body off the floor. As your shoulders come off the floor, lengthen your leg off the floor. Keep going until you’ve reached a V position with your body. Now place your hands in front of your forehead, elbows wide, and rotate your torso to your right and then your left. Return to your V position and slowly lower your body to your start position. Repeat the entire sequence 10x


Do you workout in the mornings?


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