Beautiful Architecture Tenements
in Lifestyle

Beautiful Architecture Tenements

Old tenements in Warsaw, Poland

Beautiful architecture. Maybe I’m feeling a little bit sentimental of late but I’ve been thinking a lot about surrounding myself with things that evoke an emotion. If they have a story to tell, or they can inspire a story, then so much the better. One such thing is beautiful architecture. The stunning statues and details are just breathtaking.

Architectural details in the warsaw tenements

I was just going through the remainder of my photographs from my recent trip to Warsaw and I was very pleasantly reminded of a dream I have. From the first moment I saw this building I just knew that one day I want to buy a beautiful tenement space like this one and do a complete renovation, or scratch that, one day I will do a complete renovation on a similar property. There are many such tenements in Poland patiently waiting for a makeover.

gragoyle detailing in the warsaw tenements

These are old tenements which can be found almost anywhere in the world, from New York City to Scotland to Mumbai. The ones in Poland have a rich history and were largely abandoned during WWII. They are surrounded by controversy, many original owners cannot be found and it’s a huge political fiasco. I’m obsessed with the design and the stories that live within their walls and I believe that they should be told.

old, damaged entry way

There are a number of journalists and historians who have taken it upon themselves to uncover the original occupants or the families and bring their stories to light. I have spent many hours reading about them and discovering their lives. Now, looking at the crumbling brick I can almost hear the voices of past occupants, their joys and sorrows echoing in the walls.

Stories waiting to be told…

Do find beautiful architecture inspiring?

*For more on tenaments and other beautiful architecture please join me on instagram and twitter*

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  1. hey girl hayyyy!

    so beautifully written, love this and I love the last picture. great blog.

  2. amazing phots <3

  3. Very nice place! xxx

  4. I like this column of Stories to tell. Can’t wait to read the second part of it:)

  5. Amazing pics! Thanks for sharing!!

    Lady Trends

  6. Lovely post. abandoned buildings are always intruiging

  7. Wonderful photos
    You really do have a lovely blog, just stumbled across it now

    Would you like to follow each other via GFC and bloglovin’?
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    My blog is a fashion/lifestyle blog!

    Speak soon,
    Have a lovely thursday!
    Much Love,
    Kate xo

  8. Que giro, adoro essas fachadas, e as estátuas =) Não gosto é que estraguem isso com o grafismo! =|

  9. Buildings comes with stories. Both good and bad ones. Thanks for a thoughtful post 🙂 xoxo KJ

  10. These shoots are lovely!
    Come back soon to visit me on Cosa Mi Metto???
    Win your favorite garment from Lashes of London!!

  11. Michi of Delphina Luxe

    The mystery behind these buildings makes them just so much more alluring. Europe is so full of locations like this. Beautiful, old architecture just begging for a revival.

  12. Beautiful sculptures! Paris city also has such buildings all over!!!
    Thank you so much for your B’day wishes Caroline! 🙂
    Bloglovin’ | Google Plus

  13. Perhaps you could solicit your interior designer sister to endeavour with you on a project like this!

  14. eleanorjanebirdy

    I loved Krakow but haven’t been anywhere else in Poland. Your pics make me think I should try some other Polish cities.

  15. I’d like to know every story behind these buildings.

    1. I’ve been reading some books about the residents and they are some of the beautiful stories!

  16. I love the gargoyle in the second last picture…its like he’s sitting there watching over the city and his building.
    xo, Jackie

    1. He’s a cheat because he belongs on a different building but I just loved him too!

  17. I know what you mean! When I was in Bratislava just after New Year’s, I was struck by just how beautiful a crumbling city could be. Trip wasn’t so into it, and I think I drove him crazy taking photos (and stealing his phone to take snaps once my camera died!), but I would have loved more time to actually explore the buildings and sense what their walls have seen.

  18. As always very interesting post and also, of course, great photos:)
    Have a nice day:) Monic

  19. Madame Keke (@MadameKekeBlog)

    Beautiful photos, Warsaw is amazing!

  20. borsadimarypoppins

    wow beautiful my dear!!

  21. Nicolene Richards

    What a delightful story, and stunning post.

  22. I love going to places with destruction and abandonment (and I don’t think they need to be renovated) because of the emotions they evoke and the stories they tell. You want to know what happened here, why it is the way it is, the history behind it. To me, they are much more interesting than say, the Eiffel Tower 🙂 Beautiful pictures, so lucky you got to experience such a historically rich city!


    1. I agree! As much as I love the landmarks there is something so special about these hidden gems!

  23. Hope Howland (@HHDesigns)

    Isn’t amazing that around every corner in Europe it’s a new photo op waiting to happen? The scenery is just to die for… Lovely photos…

  24. amazing pictures!

  25. Wow! These are beautiful! I really love the woman with the children, it’s so strangely beautiful! 🙂

    1. It’s beautiful and kind of haunting at the same time.

  26. That is some awesome post. this is intriguing.
    Check out my new post
    much love. x

  27. Cool phothos Caroline!!!!! As always!

  28. miss Margaret Cruzemark

    Well, sometimes I get emotional too, looking old photos from vacations. As for the buildings, I don’t think that this is the kind of place I would like to live. The goth element just scares me so. I am more of a country girl. Cottages and things like this.
    Best Regards
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

  29. I really like this post

  30. Hello sweety! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it, your opinion is so important!
    This is such an amazing post, im in love! (:
    New post on my blog! Stop by me soon!
    Have a really nice day 🙂

  31. Beautiful pictures. Isn’t it sad to see historical building being destroyed by graffiti? I bet those building have many stories to tell …

    XOXO Nensi

  32. amazing pics!

  33. Jamie "ChatterBlossom

    I can’t wait to hear them! What a gorgeous building and it makes me heartsick to see those beautiful door spray-painted.

  34. Your photos are amazing!! You are so lucky you got to see those buildings in person, I’m now so interested in knowing who lived there as well..I’m sure they lived a luxurious life, I wonder what happened to them :/
    – Karissa Fears:

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