Beauty Sunday Push Up Liner Review
in Beauty Makeup

Beauty Sunday Push Up Liner Review

beauty Sunday push up liner review


I’ve been using Benefit’s They’re Real Push-Up Liner for several weeks now and I am hooked! I admit that I’m not the greatest at applying liner and therefore, I have a huge affinity for everyone who can create a killer cats-eye.  While I love the drama for evening, I like a nice clean line for day which I’ve been able to master quite successfully.   The only problem I keep having is that by the end of the day, the liner has faded and smudged onto my lids.

Yes, I’ve tried setting my liner with an eyeshadow. Then I’ve set it with powder and reapplied the liner again, (just like you would a lipstick) but in the end, it never stays quite the way I want it to.  I’ve also tried primers and while many work, I’ll be honest that I’m not crazy about layering too many products on my eye lids. It creates a heavy feeling that I am not comfortable with, but Benefit’s Push-Up Liner has changed everything.  The gel sets in a few seconds and stays. It’s as simple as that.

I’ve always used a pen liner or a smudgeable khol liner, which I still like, but the angled applicator of this liner is exceptional. It hugs my lash line and never fails to provide a clean slim outline. If I want a more intense look, then I simply trace my eye again. It’s so easy that, I believe, I could apply it in my sleep.

beauty sunday push up liner review

Tips. When using this liner, it’s best to clean the tip after each application, so that fresh product comes out. Also, apply sparingly. A little goes a long way and one or two clicks  is all that it takes. Then, before doing a continuous line, I dab it along my lash line in order to distribute the product evenly and in no time, voila! A perfectly lined eye.

What is your favourite eye liner?

*For more beauty Sunday Push Up Liner Review follow me on instagram and pinterest*
*Eye images courtesy of Sephora*

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  1. I haven’t had the chance to pick up this liner yet, but I really want to!

    1. I am soooo impressed. It’s really good.

  2. Great review and eye make up application. Is that purple shadow along the bottom?
    I was just at Sephora’s looking at this eye liner, contemplating buying it. Looks like I need to give it a try. I prefer liquid liner but I’m not the greatest at applying it… think this would be perfect for unsteady hands.

    xo, jackie

    1. I always used liquid liner before but this one is really great. I’m very impressed. It is purple…not my eye though, it was a great pic I found on Sephora.

    1. Oh I wish I could say it was me in the pics but they are quite beautiful.

  3. Sounds perfect, getting the liner right takes practice, less products on the eyes yes please 🙂


    1. Ha! Agreed!!!

  4. What a beautiful line you made! Great product and review!

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    1. I really wish it were mine but the pics on Sephora were just too good to pass up!

  5. Very nice pictures and perfect eyebrows 🙂 I haven’t tried Benefit’s eyeliner not just yet but this one is on the list. I usually use Rimmel London ScandalEyes Precision Eyeliner, but Eyeko is great, too.


    Speak soon, Caz xx

    1. Oh I should try Eyeko…. Benefit’s liner is amazing. Let me know if you try it!

  6. Hope Howland (@HHDesigns)

    I pretty much only use liquid liner these days or I’ll use it over eyeshadow that is lining the top..

    1. I usually only line the top as well!

  7. I’m obsessed with winged eyeliner, my current favourite is Loreal’s superliner but I’ve just run out – I might have to give this one a try next, looks amazing! x


    1. I’m really loving this one, it’s so easy to use!

  8. I really wish I love this eyeliner, but I wasn’t a fan. I have dry-ish eyes, so it really dragged on my lids. That being said, a lot of my Beauty Blogger friends loved it so, yeah 🙂

    Lucy x

    http://www.thewanderlustscout.com // http://www.skeeterandscout.com

    1. Oh that’s too bad! I guess you’d probably enjoy a liquid liner more.

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