Best Of 2014 The Right Hair Color For You
in Lifestyle

Best Of 2014 The Right Hair Color For You

hair color images


As some of you know, I love to experiment with my hair colour. My natural colour (I believe) is a dark brown with red undertones. When I was younger I gravitated to red, a very deep vibrant red hue. Then during film school, it was between black and blue and even a combination of the two. Later, I went back to a chocolate brown. Then I got bored and dyed the whole underside of my hair a gorgeous fuchsia. Unfortunately this hair color tends to fade rather quickly, so I decided to go back to a more uniform brown-black. I’ve had this shade for many years now and I find that it works best for me because it complements my skin tone.

That is, I believe, the key to finding the right shade for you. I don’t think that you need to accept the hair color you were born with. Whether it was always your dream to be a fiery red head, a sultry brunette or a fun-loving blonde, there is a shade that is just right for you. The beauty is that because there are so many different shades of each color, you will always find the ideal tone.

The first step is to figure out if you have a cool, a warm or a neutral skin tone. Once you have done this, it will be much easier to pick the shade that suits you best.

hair color brown

Browns. Brown colors reflect the light best. If you have damaged hair, consider going dark as it will hide the damage and give your strands a chance to heal. A lighter shade of brown can be absolutely beautiful as well, if you have healthy hair. Personally, I lean towards dramatic shades which lend themselves to mystery and are also low maintenance. Just remember that there needs to be a contrast with your skin tone otherwise you will disappear.

Blacks. Yes, you can go black and not look goth. Once again it all comes down to the shade you choose. With very pale skin, stick to a softer black-brown. Of course, this is a hair color that will look more natural on dark and olive skinned individuals. Remember, however, that black is the hardest colour to lift, so make sure that you love it because it is a big commitment.

hair color red

Reds. Anything from a light ginger to a bright purple-ish, is a striking colour suited for everyone. Just remember to pay attention to your skin tone, as there are some very bold shades in this category. Red is known for fading, so you will need to take care of it. A weekly mask and protective shampoos and conditioners with UV protection will be your best friends.

hair color blonde

Blondes. This is a hard colour to attain, however you can consider this family if you had blonde hair as a child. Ash tones are best suited to those with cool undertones and those with warm skin tones can opt for warm golden tones. Be prepared, however, that this colour will take quite a bit of maintenance. I remember my stylist always prided himself on being the go to guy for blondes in Vancouver.

Gray and Silver. Even though grey, silver or white can be absolutely stunning on some, I’m still in the the group that follows the mantra, “get away grey”. I’m not quite ready to accept grey in my life.

So whether you choose your hair colour from a box or have it done at the salon, remember that a shiny, healthy head of hair will always look best!

Do you love to play with your hair color?


For more on hair color visit me on instagram and pinterest



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  1. I find the whole grey, silver and white hair very interesting and odd all at the same time. I think on some people it looks amazing but on others I just don’t get it. However, who am i to judge since I did once dye my hair strawberry blonde on purpose

    1. I am in complete agreement with you about the gray silver thing… I’ve seen it look great on people but on others…then again I’ve gone the pink route…ha!

  2. This is an awesome post! I don’t play with my hair colour but I am considering going red. Have a great day!


    1. Red is so fun but it’s I’ve always found it tough to maintain

  3. awesome tips!:) I worked as a model a few years ago and the hairstylists used to dye my hair very often. My hair was extremely damaged so today I embrace my natural color and I don’t want to change it any more:)

    1. I don’t blame you! Really a model? That’s so cool!

  4. Red Tag Chic Los Angeles

    Yeah I am a hair color junkie – but always stay on the safe side. Wishing you all the best in 2015!!!


    1. All the very best to you too! I agree I love to colour my hair too!

    1. Thanks!

  5. Last year I went crazy with my hair color and dyed it just about every shade of red under the sun–even playing with manic panic! However, strangely, I’ve found that an orangish copper looks the best on me. I say strangely because I have super pale skin and warm tones tend to make me look strange… except for on my hair!

    Also, you are definitely right about red fading quickly! I try to wash my hair three times a week at absolute most and always rinse with cool water.

    Hope you’re having a great weekend!


    1. Ahhh Manic Panic I used to use it too! Also went the henna route for a while. My mom was a natural red head so I always gravitated to it. It was the fading that drew me back to my natural chocolate brown.

  6. beautiful!
    Kisses from Miami,

    1. Thank you!

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