Best Places To Blog
in Lifestyle

Best Places To Blog

best places to blog

Best places to blog. So I’m literally sitting at Starbucks right now browsing blogs, commenting tons and I realized that it’s kind of fun to be amongst other people, yet writing on my own. Pretty much all of my blogging is done in the comfort of my home while sitting on my couch. Today, however, my building decided that it would be a great idea to shut down the power for about six hours…(please don’t get me started on this) and since I work from home this left me scrambling for somewhere to go.

Blogging at the coffee shop

At first I was a little distracted by the constant movement but now, as I sit here, I’m really starting to enjoy the people watching. Lots of interesting characters going about their day, dropping in for a coffee and maybe a bite to eat. Not to mention the fact that pretty much every single other table is taken by someone with a laptop. People get up and leave for a moment and no one is worried about their computer. There’s an unspoken agreement that we are all watching out for each other. Actually, now that I look around half my building is sitting here. It’s warm, there’s an endless supply of coffee, free internet and a fairly decent view. I guess it’s true that Starbucks is in the business of cheap office space. For the price of one coffee you get a quiet workspace with internet. Β Who could ask for more?

blogging at the coffee shop

The bonus of sitting here is the natural light which is really easy on the eyes.Β  Also, they have some great jazz/world music playing in the background and I’m really enjoying it.

going blogging

This has actually given me an idea. For the next few weeks I’m going to make myself leave my home, find a nice coffee shop and see where the inspiration takes me. It’s a big world with lots to see and I am going to take advantage of everything it has to offer!

It’s official coffee shops are the best places to blog!

*For more on the best places to blog follow me on instagram and twitter*

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  1. I like this idea of blogging outside of your home. This way you feel even more like you are really working. Since we all know how time consuming this blogging experience can be sometimes…even if also incredibly rewarding πŸ˜‰

  2. btw i love the Tim Hortons Tea (especially the honey & lemon one) YAM!

    1. Hey email me your address and I can mail you some when I get to Poland next week!

      1. really?? Omg you are so sweet :*
        Are you ready for the flight yet?

    2. Getting ready. We leave on Tuesday so I’ll be freaking out on Monday!

      1. omg i’m so excited for you πŸ™‚ take a deep breath – it’s gonna be great!

  3. hmmmm I love bloggin at the coffe shop! as soon as I get my computer back, that’s what I’m going to do! xo

  4. Can you send me a cyber coffee please? I’m aching for one today. xx

    1. I would love to do that! Working on it!!!!

  5. Can totally relate – I love being alone in a crowd!

  6. I am all for working inside starbucks – caffeine, wifi, & a lovely atmosphere. I feel like it’s very conducive to me getting work done. lol.

  7. Great post. The thought of blogging outside is a good idea. Sometimes I get so caught up with blogging I forget about the outside world. haha


  8. Blogging outside is a very interesting idea. I would do it too if my laptop wasn’t so bulky.

  9. It can be quite refreshing to get a “new view” from your “office window.” I always notice the most peculiar things when I get out to do this, stuff I never, ever normally see. It’ll be fun to see what you find while working in new spots.

  10. That’s one of the things I like about traveling, the opportunity to get out and see things and blog about them at the same time! I especially love when I spend a couple days in Melbourne, sitting in the cafe’s people watching and blogging.

  11. I love people watching! Sometimes changing where you write can spark inspiration! Great pics sweetie!


  12. Love coffee shops and people watching! I may have to start taking my homework up to Starbucks for a change of scene πŸ™‚ Great pictures!


  13. How cool is this! I love the idea of blogging at the local coffee spot… it seems like the perfect setup! And people watching is so much fun! Cool post!

    xo, Kenya

  14. Petite Adventures (@PetiteAdventure)

    I love people watching, its one of my favourite hobbies! Sounds like you had a fabulous day!

    Have a great weekend!
    Kate xo

  15. I can’t blogging outside my house I get distracted very easily. I have to buy the coffee to go haha πŸ™

    love, Gongy

  16. Coffee shops are the best places to people watch! lol I always see eccentric characters when I go to them! ESPECIALLY in the city! lol That’s why I love working in them so much!

    1. I’ve been converted. I never suspected that I would enjoy it so much.

  17. Pride in Photos Photography

    I have taken a couple of blogging classes and this is definitely one of the things they recommend…is to blog in totally different atmospheres….very invigorating.

    1. Oh cool! It was a great experience.

  18. Probably a nice place to work since you have this wonderful, creative atmosphere to work with. The first photo reminds me of the bar at HIMYM. πŸ™‚

    XO, Michi

  19. I had the same idea a couple of months ago, it’s such a nice way to get out of the home and you also get a lot more done (at least I’ve had it work for me) πŸ™‚

  20. I do this on Monday mornings…it’s usually pretty quiet because most people are at work on Mondays and it’s nice to have a change of scenery. Plus some people watching is always fun. It’s a way of engaging without needing to be social!

  21. These photos are lovely! It’s always nice to change up your scenery a bit. And I loooove people watching. So much fun!

  22. Winston & Willow (@winstonAwillow)

    I love this post! I feel the same as you, I’m always on the couch (it’s where I am right now!) doing my blogging work, but I love going down to the local starbucks now and then to get out of the house and work with a coffee. You’ve inspired me to do it more! Hopefully I can find somewhere nice outside now that the weather is warming up. x

  23. Jamie "ChatterBlossom"

    I’ve never tried to work outside of my house before with blogging. This sounds nice!

  24. This is something I always wanted to do but I just havent found a coffee shop nice enough anywhere πŸ™

  25. it’s great to blog somewhere else than your house!

    Giveaway on my blog:

  26. Thank you for your lovely comment! Keep in touch! πŸ™‚

  27. How nice! I swear, there’s nothing better then sitting in a coffee shop with a great cup of java and a laptop! I too love to people watch! Glad you had a little time to relax and catch up on blogging πŸ™‚ xoxo Carla

  28. Nice idea!!!
    Would you like to follow each other?
    Let me know…

  29. That’s the best part about Starbucks! And people watching is secretly the best thing ever haha. πŸ™‚


    Crystal’s Beauty Corner

    1. It is!

  30. omg where are you!?!??!
    this looks so awesome!! thanks for such a great feature!!

  31. Goodmorning… I’m following you now!!!
    Happy sunday!

  32. It’s amazing! I never done this before because my laptop is old and it would die in few minutes without an electric charger but I think would be awesome! I’m so jealous πŸ˜›

    1. Well, most to the coffee shops have lots of places to plug your laptop in so it’s not a problem!

  33. Oh this is a cool post! It’s always good to see where people blog! I really like your blog! I’m glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I’m from England) as I post my outfits, personal style, likes and much more πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    1. Now that is an amazing idea! I’m going to try that. Thanks!

  34. It’s true! I love doing this too, somehow all the movement around me calms me down. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m now hosting a giveaway featuring super cute statement necklaces. Come check it out!

  35. Just came back from a caffee which I have visited with my lovely husband! I like it so much watching other people itΒ΄s sooo interesting πŸ˜‰


  36. Writing in the coffee shop is so classiqual! Also thank you dear for your support and comments on my blog:)
    Greetings from Paris,

  37. I love working in my local coffee shop every now and then. It’s so nice to work in a place that’s not directly related to either your usual workspace or home.

  38. there’s just something about coffee places (oh and well, anything connected to coffee, since i’m a coffee addict)) that makes you wanna write and write. So inspiring…is it the smell? Or is it all those movies/tv shows making us think like that??))

  39. Oh boy! This is me all the time:) I love nothing more than sitting in a cafe doing my study or blogging while watching the activity around me. Maybe its an attention problem I have or maybe it just relaxes me, but I am so productive when I do and I feel so much more alive than when I sit at home all day xoxo

  40. Oh my god, girl you were reading my mind! The other day, me and my fiance went out to eat lunch – trust me, for us it’s much easier to crab a sandwich at home than to actually get ourselves out there and sit at a pub. But the other day we did it, we ate, drank juice, looked at people passing by and enjoyed the day, the music, the atmosphere. Then it really hit me like it happened to you – I should do it more often! It’s so inspiring, just sitting there and looking around, doing your own thing and relaxing. I think moments like these make people so much happier. I’m was just so glad to read your post because I’ve been so inspired by the same thing for days now πŸ™‚ It would be more than great to sit in a coffee shop with you! πŸ™‚

    1. I would love that!

  41. miss Margaret Cruzemark

    To tell you the truth, I have never done it. I am always blogging from home. It is different.
    Best Regards
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

  42. Love that you’re so dedicated to this that you’re blogging from the coffee shop πŸ™‚ xx

  43. This is a great idea! I blog from my phone and I love it. I so miss Vancouver so it’s nice to stumble onto your blog. And nice to see a photo of Tim hortons sign!!! I miss it!

  44. Great idea, the street always is very good for find inspiration…. best wishes from new york…

  45. A Resplendent Resurgence

    I saw my first Tim Horton’s in the Toronto airport on my layover to London. Didn’t get to drink any, though. It’s on my to-do list next time I’m there.

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