in Fashion Fit on the Side Healthy Living

Should I Use A Heart Rate Monitor

Should I use a heart rate monitor. As a fairly avid gym goer in Canada, seeing heart rate monitors being worn was a regular occurrence...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living Weight Loss

Why You Shouldn’t Weigh Yourself

Why you shouldn’t weigh yourself. Many of us have that love hate relationship with those electronic numbers that greet us when we step on the...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living Stretching

What To Do Post Workout

What to do post workout. I was at the gym with a friend recently and I noticed that she spent much of her time waiting...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

Why Should You Meditate

Why should you meditate? A number of years ago, I was sitting with a close family member who was in recovery after suffering a heart...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living Workouts

Caffeine And Working Out

Caffeine and working out. I know very few people who start their day without a dose of caffeine from either coffee or tea. After all,...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

Sports Drinks VS Water

Sports drinks vs water. Personally, I’ve never been a huge fan of sports drinks (it’s the taste), but I know that many swear by them....
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

What To Eat Pre And Post Workout

What to eat pre and post workout. I remember, years ago, going out with some of my dance teachers after a show one night and...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

How To Work With A Personal Trainer

How to work with a personal trainer. Last week we discussed everything you need to know about how to choose a personal trainer, but do...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

How To Choose A Personal Trainer

How to choose a personal trainer.  Having worked in the fitness industry, in one way or another, for around 20 years I’ve had the opportunity...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

Your Workout Motivation

Your workout motivation. Having been a trainer, I’ve heard probably every excuse in the book about why people couldn’t exercise. In over 15 years, I...