Post Workout Beauty Hacks
Post workout beauty hacks. For the past 14 years or so, I’ve been really spoiled because my gym was on the ground floor of my...
7 Times It Is Okay To Skip A Workout
7 times it is okay to skip a workout. So you’ve been going to the gym diligently, you’re feeling great and are on a roll,...
10 Easy Ways To Get More Fit
10 easy ways to get more fit. I recently took about a week off from going to the gym and taking ballet class. I had a...
Benefits Of Walking
Benefits of walking. I come from a huge family of walkers. Some of my earliest memories are of taking long walks with various relatives. Whether...
How To Make Exercise A Habit
How to make exercise a habit. Some people just gravitate toward exercise and others don’t, it’s that simple. The thing is that most of us...
How To Maintain Weight Loss
How to maintain weight loss. We talk so much about how to lose weight and how to kick start our metabolisms, but what actually happens...
How To Feel Good About Your Body
How to feel good about your body. This is a really tough subject to talk about, but I think a worthwhile one to discuss. I...
How Breathing Can Improve Your Workout
How breathing can improve your workout. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you’ll notice that I actively add breaths to each exercise...
Why Not Drinking Enough Water Can Make You Fat
Why not drinking enough water can make you fat. Yup, I’m back on a water kick again. No matter how much I plan and get...
Do I Really Need To Workout
Do I really need to workout. In my personal training days and even now, I come across so many people who don’t exercise on a...