in Fit on the Side

Why Do I Need To Stretch My Calves

Why do I need to stretch my calves. We often talk about stretching our lower back or hamstrings or even our quads, but we rarely...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

5 Daily Habits That Hurt Your Health

5 Daily habits that hurt your health. So we already made our workout resolutions here, but it’s also important to be aware of the things...
in Fit on the Side Workouts

Best Travel Workout

Best travel workout. I recently read a very impressive article about someone, who had managed to put on 12 lbs of muscle in 3 months...
in Fit on the Side

Muscle Pain VS Injury

Muscle pain vs injury. We are just about a month into the new year and if my Instagram feed is any indication then lots of...
in Fit on the Side

How To Be A Better Athlete

How to be a better athlete. I like moving; it feels good and keeps me healthy. I’m also a competitive person and I like to...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

Natural Energy Drinks

Natural energy drinks. I’m always surprised whenever I walk into a grocery store and see shelf upon shelf of energy drinks. They come in all...
in Fit on the Side

Home Gym Must Haves

Home Gym Must Haves. In an ideal world, we’d all live right next door to a gym (or have one in our condo towers –...
in Fit on the Side

FitWise A Sneak Peek

FITWISE A SNEAK PEEK Last week I announced the launch of my first fitness book FitWise: Straight Talk About Getting Fit & Healthy and the response has...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living Weight Loss

Tips On Getting And Staying Fit In 2016

Tips on getting and staying fit in 2016. There are certain times of the year when you see a clear spike in gym attendance. Just...
in Fit on the Side

FitWise Straight Talk About Getting Fit And Healthy

ANNOUNCING FITWISE STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT GETTING FIT AND HEALTHY   I’m thrilled to announce the official launch of my new book FITWISE: Straight talk about...