How To Curb Emotional Eating
How to curb emotional eating. There are moments in everyone’s life when we turn to food for emotional reasons. This can be normal and even...
How To Eat Healthy Without Trying
How to eat healthy without trying. So you’ve been going to the gym regularly and you’ve been pushing yourself (good for you!), but you still...
Get Fit While Watching TV
Get fit while watching TV. Sure, we all like to spend a Sunday afternoon here or there on the couch watching TV. Oh who am...
Post Workout Beauty Hacks
Post workout beauty hacks. For the past 14 years or so, I’ve been really spoiled because my gym was on the ground floor of my...
7 Times It Is Okay To Skip A Workout
7 times it is okay to skip a workout. So you’ve been going to the gym diligently, you’re feeling great and are on a roll,...
11 Most Common Workout Mistakes
11 most common workout mistakes. I love to hear about people going to the gym and working out. It truly warms my heart to see...
Best Exercises If You Do Manual Labour
Best exercises if you do manual labour. Many, many years ago I spent my summer working in a drapes manufacturing plant. I remember how exhausting...
Best Exercises If You Are On Your Feet All Day
Best exercises if you are on your feet all day. For about a year, maybe two, I worked in a very high end chocolate shop....
Best Exercises For A Desk Job
Best exercises for a desk job. For many, many years I had jobs where I was either teaching Pilates (this meant I was walking around...
Can I Lose Weight And Still Eat Sweets
Can I lose weight and still eat sweets. Everyone has their own tricks to diets and losing weight and cheat days are quite popular. I...