Best Exercises To Tone Your Glutes
Best exercises to tone your glutes. Let’s face it, for most of us no matter how desperately we want a toned mid section, it’s much...
Fitness Terms You Should Know
Fitness terms you should know. I’ve been working in or around the fitness industry for many years now, but I still remember how at the...
Should I Use A Heart Rate Monitor
Should I use a heart rate monitor. As a fairly avid gym goer in Canada, seeing heart rate monitors being worn was a regular occurrence...
Why You Shouldn’t Weigh Yourself
Why you shouldn’t weigh yourself. Many of us have that love hate relationship with those electronic numbers that greet us when we step on the...
What To Do Post Workout
What to do post workout. I was at the gym with a friend recently and I noticed that she spent much of her time waiting...
How To Maximize Your Gym Time
How to maximize your gym time. In an ideal world, you would head to the gym and spend a leisurely few hours getting a total...
Why Should You Meditate
Why should you meditate? A number of years ago, I was sitting with a close family member who was in recovery after suffering a heart...
Foot And Ankle Exercises
Foot and ankle exercises. Coming from a dance background, I have a slight obsession with my feet and ankles and how they work. It’s a...
Shoulder Stretches
Shoulder stretches. We seem to only talk about our shoulders when it comes to sculpting them to show them off in warm summer months. Here’s...
5 Best Abdominal Exercises
5 best abdominal exercises. We know that there’s no great magic to achieving the perfect 6 pack, but rather it’s about a lot of hard...