How To Treat Sore Muscles
How to treat sore muscles. Over the past few weeks, we’ve discussed the pros and cons of free weights vs machines and we’ve gone through...
A Beginners Guide To Gym Equipment Part 2
A beginners guide to gym equipment part 2. Last week was an attempt to demystify some of the leg machines that you see at your...
Beginners Guide To Gym Equipment Part 1
A beginners guide to gym equipment. New Year’s resolutions will soon be upon us and many of you will be purchasing gym memberships or renewing...
Free Weights VS Machines
Free weights vs machines. We’ve already discussed the importance of lifting weights and all the benefits it brings. When you are faced with the choice...
How To Stay Healthy For The Holidays
How to stay healthy for the holidays. We recently discussed what foods are best for energy, but all of that easily goes out the window...
Why Should Women Lift Weights
Why should women lift weights. Last week we discussed toning vs bulking up and dispelled the myth that women will get huge if they lift...
Toning VS Bulking Up
Toning VS Bulking Up. As a trainer, one of the most common concerns you hear from women is that they don’t want to lift weights...
Which Style Of Yoga Is Best For You
Which style of yoga is best for you. Although my heart is first and foremost in Pilates (hey it’s why I became an instructor) I...
Best Foods To Give You Energy
Best foods to give you energy. There are times when I just can’t get myself going in the morning, so I reach for a huge...
Theraband Workout
Theraband workout. Visit any dance studio and chances are that you will find more than one Theraband lying around. Not only are they great tools...