in Fit on the Side Stretching

Must Do Morning Stretches

Must do morning stretches. As most of you know I’m a huge fan of stretching. It’s so vital to your well being, both inside and...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living Stretching

What To Do Post Workout

What to do post workout. I was at the gym with a friend recently and I noticed that she spent much of her time waiting...
in Fit on the Side Stretching

Shoulder Stretches

Shoulder stretches. We seem to only talk about our shoulders when it comes to sculpting them to show them off in warm summer months.  Here’s...
in Fit on the Side Stretching

The Basics Of Hip Stretches

The basics of hip stretches. I remember having a conversation with my dad once and he was complaining that he had sciatica. I watched him...