Easy ways to be a healthier you. Last week we talked about EXERCISE TIPS FOR BEGINNERS, if you missed reading then please take a moment to check it out. Hopefully by now, you’ve at the very least started trying to incorporate some sort of movement into your daily life, but I recognize that you might need a little bit more to go on. I mean, why should you take my word for it, right?
Getting fit and healthy really doesn’t need to be that hard. It’s mostly about making small conscious choices every day. I could write a whole article about how to become an athlete but let’s get real about what this is. The goal is to become generally healthier and that can usually be done fairly easily.
First, let’s talk about exercise, this should be something that is enjoyable or you won’t do it. Notice that I didn’t use the word “workout.” While some people love the feeling of using their muscles and breaking a sweat (yes I’m one of them), I can certainly understand that many people don’t. Whether you take to it naturally or not, I’m 100% positive that everyone can learn to love moving. The first thing you need to do is to let go of any misconceptions and enter into it with an open mind.
- Make an open ended plan
- Give it time
- Decide How badly you want to get fit
- Change up your workouts constantly. Unless you find something that you really love you’ll get bored and you’ll stop doing it, it’s that simple.
- Reward yourself frequently. Years ago when I was training for a major hiking trip, we would go for a 2 hours walk and then eat a bowl of ice cream. Over time the ice cream stopped, but the workouts didn’t and I was in great shape that I managed to keep up. As the months progressed, I became even more motivated to eat healthy.
- Make it a seamless part of your day. Instead of specifically scheduling in a workout, try to make it a natural part of your day. For me, I take a break from writing at around 3 pm, take my dog out for a walk, have a snack and then prepare for my dance class. It’s just something I do, everyday. Sure, sometimes I skip a class or even two, but I never beat myself up over it. On the days when I’m on the fence about going, I just get dressed to go. It’s that last motivating thing that pushes me over the edge and I usually wind up having a great class.
For the full article read: EVERYONE CAN LEARN TO LOVE EXERCISE
Now I know you are probably thinking that you don’t have time to fit in any extra exercise time into your day but I call BS on that. There are so many little things you can do even if you don’t have time for a class or to spend time at the gym.
I’ve put together easy exercises that you can throw in throughout your day, whenever you have a minute. You can find them here: STAYING FIT WHEN YOU HAVE NO TIME
If you happen to have a whole 20 minutes that you can spare, here’s a mini workout you can try from my fitness guide: 20 Minute Workout by FitWise
Still not convinced? Did you know that taking the time to include fitness into your day can actually make you an overall happier person?
- Improves Your Mood
- Decreases Your Stress and Anxiety
- Prepares You for Tough Situations
- Makes You Stronger
You’ll find all the details here: WHY EXERCISE MAKES YOU HAPPY
So there you go! It really isn’t hard to get more movement in throughout your day. Next week I’ll be tackling the idea of healthy eating and asking if it is in fact possible to eat the yummy foods you love and still lose weight and be healthy.
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