Eat Carbs And Sweets And Still Lose Weight. By now you have probably already figured out that I have a low BS tolerance when it comes to bad fitness and diet advice. You can imagine my intense eye-rolling when my friend told me she was feeling weak because she cut carbs from her diet. Of course, if you are working to a specific fitness goal, you might have to tweak your eating quite a bit, but for the rest of us who simply want to be healthy, it’s all about balance.
Guess what? Balance means that you aren’t supposed to cut out all carbs and it also means that you can have some sweets.
Let’s start with carbohydrates. I know that they have a bad reputation but did you know that they are also found in fruits and vegetables. When health professionals say you should be avoiding carbs, what they mean is you can safely lose foods like white bread that has no nutritional value. Before jumping on the “all carbs are bad” bandwagon spend some time educating yourself.
Those healthy carbs I just mentioned? Well, since they slowly absorb into your bloodstream they help regulate insulin which means that your energy levels aren’t spiking and dropping. This means that you feel fuller for longer.
Simply put, carbs make our bodies function. Resistance starches, which act like soluble fiber, won’t fully digest as they pass through your system. As they pass through, they release fatty acids that encourage fat burn. So essentially what I’m saying is that they play a part in helping speed up your metabolism.
Another benefit of carbs, which we often conveniently forget to talk about, is that they can help fight illness. When your system is functioning optimally then your weight is in check and your blood sugar is level. This diminishes your chances of developing illnesses like Type 2 Diabetes.
The other major food group that people often struggle with is, desert. Tell me, does this sound familiar? You decide that you are off all desert for good. So you completely deprive yourself, you watch friends and family indulge and you might even walk by a bakery or two and suddenly you find yourself gorging on every sweet food you can find. It really doesn’t have to be that way.
You can always indulge in moderation. Are you craving that extra chocolate-y cake? You don’t have to eat the whole thing. You can have just one slice with some fruit and add a few more minutes to each one of your workouts that week. No stress. You don’t even have to overthink it.
On that note, make sure that whatever you are choosing to eat is really worth it. I’d much rather have a tiny bowl of really good ice cream than a giant one of some mass produced brand with lots of additives. I believe the problems start to arise when we eat mindlessly and don’t really take the time to enjoy what we are putting in our mouth.
While you are at it, be honest with yourself and don’t overindulge. Keep the portions small. A few bites of a rich desert should be enough to satiate you. Plus, you can always share.
Food should never take you by surprise. It’s easier to plan a meal when you are at home, but it’s not impossible to make good choices at restaurants. If I know where I’m going, I simply scan the menu at home, make an informed choice and then stick with it. If there is a desert that I know I won’t be able to resist, then I will choose a lighter option for my main.
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