Everyday Makeup Staples
in Beauty Makeup

Everyday Makeup Staples

everyday makeup staples

Everyday makeup staples

While browsing through the cosmetic isles is super fun and collecting makeup samples is always a must, there are those products that I keep coming back to, time and time again. I’ve been wearing makeup for so long now that I pretty much know what will look good with my colouring and what won’t. I’m also familiar with how my skin reacts to certain brands which I’ve tested in all four seasons. I know how they react in the summer and in winter. Also, I know that I won’t suddenly break out. Most importantly, these are products that make me feel confident every single day!

Watch my video now:

What are your everyday makeup staples?

Some of my everyday makeup staples:

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*For more on my everyday makeup staples follow me on instagram and twitter*

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  1. I have never tried any of your staples but you look gorgeous, the result is natural. I use mascara, blush, eyeliner and lipstick….sometimes eyeshadow.


    1. Wow thanks so much I really appreciate it!

  2. Great staples… I love Naked palette!!!
    Happy September!!!!

    My Facebook

    1. Thanks so much! Yes it’s my fave palette right now.

  3. Looking great on the video dear 😉


  4. Great job on the video! Love how you talk about how makeup products feel like as well which is important information too often omitted in reviews. Thank you for inspiring!

    1. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!

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