Gift Guide For The Men In Your Life
in Lifestyle

Gift Guide For The Men In Your Life

gift guide for the men in your life

Gift guide for the men in your life. Shopping for men can be a frustrating experience. Much of the time I feel like I’ve hit a wall when I ask the men in my life, what they want for the holidays. Generally the answer is something like, “Nothing really. I don’t know. Whatever”. What am I supposed to do with that?


gift guide for the men in your life
Shop these items now:

Sneakers. His taste in dress shoes may differ from yours, but who doesn’t love a great sneaker? Converse will always be a classic and he can get away with wearing them with so many outfits, that you can be sure this gift will go a long way.

Cuff links. For the guy who doesn’t like wearing jewelry, cuff links are the perfect accent for any dress shirt. They’ve been gaining in popularity in recent years (again) and it’s no wonder, with so many fun designs you’ll be sure to find a winner. I’m a fan of french cuffs, worn with jeans for a semi-causal night out.

Shirt. Thomas Pink is the utmost in classic shirts. A button down shirt will always come in handy and a simple blue pinstripe can be worn for any occasion life throws at you. Of course this is just another great excuse to buy more cuff links.

Briefcase or laptop bag. Does he still use a ratty old backpack to carry around his laptop? This is the perfect gift for men in many different life stages. If he has just finished school, then he’ll need a briefcase for job interviews. You know that saying, “dress for the job you want and not the one you have” well, a new briefcase perfectly fills that need.
gift guide for the men in your life

Shop these items now:

Shaving set.  This really is a bit of luxury that many won’t admit to wanting. With the recent resurgence of old style barber shops, a great shave is no longer just an extravagance. A good quality shaving set will last for many years and this shaving set from The Art Of Shaving not only smells divine, but it will also give him a beauty treatment without him even knowing about it.  In addition, he’ll need the tools and what guy doesn’t like tools? With a new shaving brush and razor, he’ll feel special every time he shaves.

Headphones. I don’t know any guy who doesn’t enjoy good sound whether he’s watching a movie, listening to music or playing video games. These headphones from Bose are a great choice for the men in you life.  With wireless capabilities and noise reducing sound, they are a must gift.

Coffee table book. Who doesn’t love a good coffee table book? If he enjoys a drink now and then, a book like The Guide To Urban Moonshining is a fun gift that will keep him busy for the next few months. If he dreams of faraway places, then how about 100 Getaway’s Around The World. The two of you can spend some time looking through the book, as you plan your next vacation.

Although it can sometimes be tough to shop for the man in your life, take this as an opportunity to buy him a gift that he’ll really appreciate and that he’ll be able to put to good use.

What are some of your favourite gifts to give?

*For more on a gift guide for the men in your life follow me on instagram and pinterest*




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  1. This year I´m going to purchase a gift to my brother (we draw between the siblings, one person gets another person), so this is a wonderful idea booster.

    1. Oh good! I made this list based on the things that I know my husband would appreciate!

  2. This gift guide is incredibly useful Caroline as I never know what to buy for my dad and brother-in-law!

    1. Oh I’m so happy to hear that, thank you!

  3. a perfect guide! so nice post
    new post on my blog
    i wait you

    1. Thank you. I hope it brings some inspiration to everyone.

  4. Excellent choice! I think cuff links are fabulous and probably what I will buy my hubby. Buying for men is always hard but your gift guide simplifies all that!!! Xoxo


    1. Thanks so much! I love buying my husband cuff links he has quite the collection now. This year I’m thinking a tie clip would be really cool too.

  5. Popping in again to wish you a lovely day?
    Coco et La vie en rose – Valeria Arizzi

    1. Thank you, so nice to see you here!

  6. Men are so hard to shop for! I always end up giving booze or something :-S Thanks for the ideas.

    1. They are hard to shop for! Booze is generally a good idea but sometimes you want to pick something a little different.

  7. Super cool post


    1. Thank you!

  8. Good choices. If you can turn your man on to cufflinks, you’ll have something to buy him for years. I have dozens of pairs, including ones made from professional baseballs.

    Suggestion: for terrific, colorful men’s shirts, go to Brooks Brothers. They have great plaids.

    1. Yes you are absolutely right, I love Brooks Brothers I just didn’t think of them…. I’m so glad my husband likes cuff links ’cause you are right again….they make for a fantastic gift. This year I’m think maybe a tie clip.

  9. the headphones are a great idea !!! thanks for sharing



    my blog :

    1. My pleasure and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  10. Useful guide Caroline, thanks for sharing!!!

    Kisses, love Paola.


    My Facebook

    1. Thank you so much!

  11. Great gift guide! Cuff Links are always a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

    1. My pleasure. I love giving cuff links they are always unexpected.

  12. Great selections. I always fine the men in my life so hard to buy for! Loving the coffee table book idea. Thanks 🙂

    1. Thank you! I agree I always wind up buying the same thing over and over again.

  13. Madeleine | The Daily Mark

    Such great picks! My brother is impossible to buy for -_-;
    Madeleine, The Daily Mark

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean, men are always difficult to shop for.

  14. I’m so stuck on what to get my boyfriend for Christmas, I usually have loads of ideas, but this time my mind is just blank!!!! Gah!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

    1. Ha! I’m the same for my husband this year and of course he won’t suggest anything useful.

  15. Andrea @ Sublime Finds

    Great list Caroline! The Bose noise-cancelling headphones are amazing, they have been a well-appreciated gift in our household in the past! x

    1. Thanks! The got on the list because my husband has just stolen mine! Ha!

  16. wow, very ncie ideas, i am always looking for more!

    1. Thank you!

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