How to detox your skin after the holidays. I feel like holidays get longer and longer each year. They seem to start earlier and finish later and when they final end, my skin winds up looking, well, less than perfect. While I don’t believe in setting New Year’s resolutions or detoxing my body while starving myself, I do believe that making a few small, easy changes post holiday (aka exhausting) season can do wonders to give you a bright glowing complexion.
Drink Water. I know, this is brand new news to everyone, but this will be your first step. Not only will it help hydrate your skin from the inside out but it will go a long way in helping your digestion, just in case you might have overdone it on food. You can add a drop of lemon, a cucumber slice or even a mint leaf to shake up the taste. Now, although I say drink water, you can substitute it for tea (green or ginger or chamomile) during the day which will provide you with an added dose of antioxidants.
New Cosmetics. I’m not saying you need to go out and buy all new products, but go through what you already have and make sure to toss anything old. Also, be honest with yourself. Is the product working for you? If not, out it goes. This is the perfect moment to incorporate some organic facial oils. They are delicate and will help balance out your skin. For a detailed description of the best oil for your skin head over to: HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST FACE OIL
At Home Facial. Not only is this a few quiet moments of “me time” but it will do wonders for your skin.
- Start by gently exfoliating your skin. You can make a DIY scrub or buy a gentle one.
- Next, steam your face for about 10 minutes. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus or tea tree oil to the water for even more benefits.
- Now for the best part. For the next 10-15 minutes close your eyes and apply a face mask. If you want to make your own, read: DIY FACE MASKS FOR OILY SKIN or DIY FACE MASKS FOR DRY SKIN
Enough Fiber. Adopt this point slowly, otherwise you’ll have other digestive issues. When your system is functioning optimally your skin will reap the rewards. Your body will be naturally flushing out toxins while diminishing inflammation, which can cause breakouts and clogged pores.
Probiotics. Hey, gut health is essential to our health and it directly impacts the appearance of our skin. Now is the time to scale back your consumption of heavy, greasy or sweet foods. For a full list of Vitamins and Minerals to include in your diet read: HOW WHAT YOU EAT AFFECTS YOUR SKIN
Now, I normally wouldn’t tell you cut back on any foods, but for a few weeks it might be wise to limit your intake of dairy. This isn’t a forever thing and there are mixed opinions on it, but there is some association between dairy and breakouts because it stimulates oil glands in your skin.
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