How to feel beautiful. I believe that every woman deserves to feel beautiful every day, even when she doesn’t. It’s not always easy, especially if you are struggling with image issues. You don’t have to always feel beautiful every minute of every day, but overall, you need to have more good days than not so good ones. It’s important to feel beautiful because the impact on your life can be a game changer. When you feel good about yourself you present yourself to the world in a more positive way and that in turn creates better opportunities and more happiness.
Write a negative comment that someone has told you and then burn it so it can no longer hurt you. This can be something someone said when you were little or even something that you think about yourself. All your negative thoughts won’t disappear immediately, but it’s the act of physically removing the negative that will go a long way to making you feel better. By writing it down, you are acknowledging it and by burning it you are letting it go.
Work on the inside not the out. I’m all for changing your hair or buying something new, but those things won’t last and you’ll find yourself slowly slipping again as soon as the novelty wears off. Make an effort to be active. It can be anything you like doing from an intensive cross-fit training session to a leisurely walk in the park. Whatever makes you feel good. It doesn’t end there though. You also need to pay attention to what you are putting inside your body and no, that doesn’t mean you are on a restrictive diet. Just make sure that you are eating your greens first and then following them up with other foods.
Improve your posture. Think about it. When you are always sitting slumped over, your whole body is closed to the world and that impacts how you feel and how others treat you. Focus on keeping your head up and lengthening your shoulders down your back. (Read: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR POSTURE) Each morning before you get out of bed, stretch your arms overhead and lengthen your whole body, you’ll see how much better you fell.
Do something ultra feminine. Being tough and strong can easily coexist with being girly and pretty, the two don’t cancel each other out. Go for a manicure or pedicure, or buy a pink macaron and luxuriate in eating it in the park. Set up a makeup consultation at your local department store (bonus they are often free).
Spoil yourself. If you are constantly frazzled and doing everything for everyone else, it’s extremely easy to forget about you. When you forget about that person who stares at you from the mirror everyday then how can you possibly feel beautiful or even good about yourself? I don’t care whether it’s scheduling a weekly massage or going out for drinks with friends, or booking a holiday spoiling yourself is key to feeling good about that person in the mirror.
Remember you are no less important than anyone else and how can you expect others to value you when you don’t value yourself. You are in charge of who you are and no one can change that, so don’t give yourself away.
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