How to feel like you are on vacation everyday. You know that no-stress feeling you have on vacation, especially first thing in the morning, when you know you can enjoy a leisurely breakfast and not stress about your day? Well, wouldn’t it be amazing to have that feeling every day?
I’m on a mission to feel exactly that way. I’ve been thinking long and hard about how to make this possible because waking up stressed is something I’m trying to avoid at all costs. I like looking forward to my day and I want to be excited by all the unknowns.
Do the things you want. Okay, you might not be able to exclusively do the things you want, because life happens but when you are performing the necessities be mindful of them. I don’t know many people who truly love household chores but they need to get done. Instead of doing everything at once and hating every moment, do a little bit here and there and focus on the activity. By being present, you’ll learn to enjoy everyday tasks much more and by default they will be less annoying and stressful. Also, you won’t be forced to give up an entire day to undesirable tasks, they will just be a part of your normal schedule.
Be honest when it comes to working out. When I was still a trainer (and even now, if we are being honest) I heard so many excuses disguised as reasons for why someone isn’t being physically active. Instead of having the mindset that you “have to” workout, tell yourself that you “want to” workout with no expectations. It’s easy to forget how great it feels when you’ve finished a sweat session, so don’t. Even if it’s for a few minutes a day, make sure you break a sweat. It may be a challenge at first, but this mindset is one that will quickly feel natural. Besides, if you don’t have your health then none of this really matters. Trust me on this one.
Live the life you have. Always living through others is not going to get you anywhere. It’s important to learn to appreciate and savour the little moments before working on changing the big picture. There will always be someone who is more successful or has more money. Don’t let yourself live in their shadow, instead take time every week to list out your accomplishments and all the good things that have happened. Remember, nothing is too small, if it’s good then it’s great!
- Get outside every single day, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Close your eyes and focus on breathing deeply. Learn to love the rain and the cold. It’s only 15 minutes.
- Spoil yourself by buying some luxurious bath products that you use everyday and don’t save just for special occasions. You can also buy a beautiful candle that you light every day.
- Don’t look at your phone before you’ve had your morning coffee (or tea). Take this time to yourself, drink slowly. If that means you have to wake up 15 minutes earlier then so be it. It’s only 15 minutes.
- Instead of dreading Monday mornings, focus on all the good/fun things that you will do during the week. This could be anything as little as buying a guilty pleasure magazine or as big as going for a spa day. There are no rules. Social media often tell us to hate Mondays and put all of our stock into Fridays, FRIYAY anyone? This is stupid, ignore it. Monday is just a day.
Love the things you have. Most of us don’t have the luxury of being able to eat bonbons and lounge all day but you can create a work space that makes you happy. Whether you are working from home or at an office, a cluttered desk will always stress you out.
- Buy some fresh flowers or a beautiful potted plant and keep it in your line of sight.
- If you like inspirational quotes, hang one or two on your wall or just some beautiful art that relaxes you.
- I like to have some nice pens, paper and desk accessories around me when I work.
Be okay with saying no, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Saying no is incredibly hard to do. It’s like we are hardwired to be as accommodating as possible. Stop for a second and ask yourself if this is really necessary. I don’t think people will like you more if you always just say yes to everything. Don’t get roped into unnecessary activities that you know you will hate. Be strong, be assertive and be true to yourself.
Take mini vacations. This can be an hour in the park enjoying the sunshine or a day trip or a whole weekend away. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s just a way to remove yourself from the daily grind. The more you do this the easier it will be to leave your work at work, because believe me when I say that nothing is so important that you need to be thinking about it all the time without a break.
I get that not many of us can afford to actually live like we are on a perpetual vacation, but if you start adding the small things into your daily schedule you’ll find yourself getting less stressed or at the very least, handling it better. After all, the best part of a vacation is that feeling of freedom.
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