How To Get Motivated
in Thoughts & Reads

How To Get Motivated

How to get motivated. No one is perfect. There are times when I go to the gym regularly, I work on my writing and plan the future of this blog. Then there are times when my running shoes start to gather dust, my fountain pen dries up and my computer doesn’t get opened. I look at all of those things and I know that I have to use them, but I just can’t. There is absolutely zero motivation to be productive or workout and I can barely get my butt off the couch.

While this happens to everyone on occasion, it’s how we handle it that really matters. Sure it’s important to take a break every now and then, but realistically you can’t live life that way all the time.

A big part of being motivated is keeping feelings of overwhelm at bay so if you haven’t read, HOW COPE WITH FEELING OVERWHELMED, go read that now. It’s cool, I can wait.  Great, now that you have those tools and you know how to calm yourself down when needed, we can start to talk about how to get motivated when those lazy feelings take over. As an aside, if you suspect that you might be dealing with depression then it’s always best to talk to someone. For everyone else, this is your wake up call.

how to get motivated


Stop Complaining/Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself. Honestly, just stop. I get it, everyone is tired, everyone is overworked, no one has time but here’s the thing. If you really want something then you’ll find a way to get it. If you need some time to wallow in your feelings then go for it. Set an alarm clock and whine for however much you need. After that, get up and do what needs to get done.

If you think I’m being harsh, know that I said something very similar to my dad when he was a few months post surgery. I wasn’t being mean, I simply told him that he could stop and feel sorry for himself after he got healthy, but that had to be the first priority.

Stop Making Excuses. Not being able to run when you have a broken leg is a reason. Not being able to run because the weather is ugly is an excuse (hint, there’s always the gym, there’s always warmer clothing). Understand the difference. When you are making a choice be conscious of whether it’s an excuse or a reason. Hey, I get it, sometimes we just need that excuse, but be honest with yourself and hold yourself accountable if it’s happening more often than not.

Break Your Pattern. It’s so easy to lose motivation when you aren’t accountable for your choices. The trick is to break up your pattern. If you are at home procrastinating, get up and jump up and down for a few minutes or go for a walk or make yourself a coffee. Whatever, it doesn’t matter, the point is to get up and move.

I have a cairn terrier who likes to fixate on things. When that happens she is more driven than anyone. It’s actually quite amazing to watch. It’s impossible to get her to break her focus. We have to physically pick her up and move her away if we want her attention. Think of it like shock therapy, only more gentle.

Find A Friend. We often lose motivation when we spend a lot of time stuck in our routine without a lot of ‘friend’ interaction. This is especially true if you are an entrepreneur and spend a lot of time on your own, but it applies to everyone. So pick up the phone and talk to a friend or better yet, make a coffee date. Go do it now.

Tune Out And Turn Off. Full disclaimer, this is the point that I need to work on the most. My place is so quiet that I like to work with the tv on in the background. If I’m not careful, it can be distracting. There are programs like Freedom which can block websites and social media on your phone and computer so that you have less distractions. If you can’t do it yourself, get help.

Face Your Task Head On. We often procrastinate because the task feels like it will be insurmountable. So break it down. Avoiding the gym? Picture yourself going there, then get your things ready and then remember how great you’ll feel after your workout is done (no excuses). Focus on the good part of the task, yes it can be just finishing it, and keep your eye on the prize.

When I am avoiding writing, I start by writing an outline and then it’s just about filling in the blanks.

Use Force If Necessary. I’m willing to bet some of you just sat there reading through this text, agreeing disagreeing and not actually doing anything.  So here’s what you are going to do right now. Put everything distracting away and don’t do anything else other than start your task. You don’t even have t finish it. Let’s make this easy, give yourself the next 20 minutes to do it.

Start NOW.

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