How To Increase Your Bust Size
in Fit on the Side Workouts

How To Increase Your Bust Size

How to increase your bust size. I don’t think I know a single woman who is perfectly, 100% happy with her body. Either we are too fat or too thin or our thighs are too big or our booty isn’t round enough and of course, the same goes for our breasts. Whether they are small or large (and you hate them or you love them) I think every woman can agree on wanting a firm, well rounded bust. This post is actually by request, but hopefully it will help more than just the one of you.

Let’s just get one thing out of the way, unless you opt for very invasive surgery you won’t dramatically increase your chest size. There are, however, a lot of exercises you can do that will help firm up your pectoral muscles which will give your chest the appearance of being bigger as well as giving them a lift. While it’s all very doable, it will take some work and dedication on your part.

how to increase your bust


Push ups. You’ll start with normal, run of the mill push ups. Don’t worry about doing anything fancy, but remember to keep your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, your inner thighs glued together and abdominals engaged as you bend your elbows out to the sides and lower your body toward the ground. Go as low as you can before pressing back up to your start position.

Elevated push ups. Now you are going to take your push up to the next level by placing your feet on a bench or a ball. The same push up rules apply, but because your legs are elevated you are “hitting” your pectoral muscles from a different angle.

Bench press. You can do these on a barbell at the gym or on a ball with free weights. Lying on your back, keep your hands in line with your shoulders as you press them up to the ceiling and then back to the start position. Make sure that you are using enough weight that your 12th rep will be tough to do.

Dumbbell flys. Since we’re trying to workout your pecs from all different angles, dumbbell flyes are a great addition to your workout. Lying with your back on a ball (or bench), feet flat on the floor, keep your glutes and abdominals engaged. Start with your arms reaching straight up to the ceiling, inhale to let them open out to the sides and on your exhale, bring them back to the start position. Same as with the bench press, use enough weight that you’ll actually get tired. Note, since your shoulders are going to be bearing some of the weight, watch that you don’t overdo it.

Reverse dumbbell flyes. For this exercise, you will start by lying face down on a ball. Plant the balls of your feet firmly in the floor and keep your abdominals engaged to help you balance. Holding free weights in your hands, exhale as you lift your arms out to the sides and then slowly release them back to the floor.

Dips or Tricep press. Start with your hands placed behind you on a bench or even the back of your couch. Take a few steps forward and straighten your legs out in front of you. Keep your body straight and engaged (using the same form as you would for a push up), bend your elbow straight back behind you and then press back up to the start position.

how to increase your bust

Notice that all of these exercises work not just your pectoral muscles but your shoulders and back as well. There are a couple of reasons for this. No muscle group works solely on its own and in order for your pecs to look (and work) their best, you need to strengthen and tone the surrounding muscle groups. Also, a big part of the illusion of having a larger chest is your posture. The second your shoulders are hunched forward, your chest will appear smaller and sagging. This workout was designed to not only increase the size of your pecs, but also to strengthen your back muscles so that they are strong enough to keep you standing tall all day.

The non weight bearing exercises you can do as often as you like and aim to do the others 3x per week, 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

What would you love to fix about your body?

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images courtesy of DollarPhotoClub

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