How to lose weight for good. I spend a lot of time talking and thinking about weight loss. While every single one of us can lose weight, it’s more a matter of consistently keeping it off.
I freely admit to having constant ups and downs on the scale. I start a healthy eating plan (nothing restrictive), I work out consistently and then something happens to derail me. I get too comfortable and I might overindulge a few too many times or simply miss a few workouts and generally move less. Before I know it, I’m gaining weight again.
What I’ve realized is that it’s not about the extremes but rather about keeping your habits in check on a daily basis. We should all expect small weight fluctuations but we do need to keep monitoring ourselves. If you need some help in this department then this is for you: HOW TO ACTUALLY LOSE WEIGHT
Your weight loss journey is ultimately based on your calorie intake and expenditure. Now, it’s not necessarily quite that simple but it does revolve around them and you will need to keep adjusting them. Keep in mind that when you are restricting calories to lose weight you are also losing water and muscle. You will need to keep hydrating and building lean muscle. It’s a continuous balancing act.
Remember, all calories aren’t considered equal because your body reacts differently to those ingested through vegetables rather than say processed sugar. Now you can lose weight and still eat sweets but while you are trying to get back on track you will need to limit them to the bare minimum.
Emotional Eating
Let’s face it, most of us don’t eat just when we are hungry. The first thing you need to do is identify when you eat and why you are eating. I definitely admit to reaching for snacks when I’m bored. This is normal and everyone does it. There are very few individuals, except maybe professional body builders, who are so extremely disciplined that they will stick to a diet 100% of the time. The trick is to not let over eating or eating unhealthy foods become your daily norm.
Portion Control
When I first moved to Europe I was shocked at how small the portion sizes were. After a few months, when I returned to North America for a visit I was shocked at how huge the portion sizes were. That’s when I realized for myself, just how warped our eating is in North America. While it might take you a few weeks or even months to adapt to new eating habits, I promise it is doable and you will be much better off. One trick is to order two appetizers when you eat out and to switch to a smaller plate when you eat at home.
If you absolutely have to snack, then choose single serve options rather than digging in to a large bag of chips. You’ll always wind up eating more than anticipated.
Eat Your Salad First
Growing up I always hated the fact that my mom would serve us salad or soup first (I wanted the good stuff), but now I understand why she did that. When you fill up on a healthy salad (keeping the dressing to a minimum, if you really need it) or a light soup, you naturally won’t need to eat as much of your main course.
Additionally, know when to say you have had enough and while you are at it, don’t feel pressured to finish everything on your plate. I come from that generation of kids whose parents who actively reminded them of starving children all over the world. I’ve since grown up and realized that while there are starving kids everywhere, me stuffing myself isn’t in any way shape or form going to help them.
Stand/Move Whenever You Can
This isn’t so hard and many fitness trackers even have settings which can even remind you. Whenever your phone rings, stand up and walk around while you talk and make sure that you aren’t sitting for more than two hours at a time. Every movement you do counts.
Write It Down
It’s very common to overestimate how much we do and underestimate how much we eat. When you find that the numbers on the scale start moving in the wrong direction start writing it all down. Be honest with yourself.
Increase Your Water Intake
I know, this bit of advice is always on these kinds of lists, but there is a reason for it. Water is a great digestive aid and it will help keep hunger at bay. So drink up!
I know how tempting it can be to spend a few weeks under eating and over exercising just to quickly change your body, but if you really want to lose weight and keep it off then it’s best to make small changes that you can keep up with. Don’t over-stress, don’t over-think it and you’ll soon find yourself on a healthy path where you feel great about yourself.
- Keep a mat by the tv
- Keep a mat by the bed
- Keep a workout on the fridge
- Move after you eat
- Do an urban hike
- Track your improvement
- Add walking to your day
- Get the tunes out
- Take along a jumprope
- Get a personal trainer
For the breakdown read: 10 EASY WAYS TO GET MORE FIT
- Sunday is prep day
- Portion control
- Stay away from diet foods
- Enjoy a stir fry
- Add veggies to everything
- Reach for fruit first
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