How to stop exercise procrastination.
Here are a few scenarios for you to consider:
- You are sitting on your couch thinking you could get up and go exercise but it’s so comfortable that you don’t bother getting up.
- You could probably fit in a workout before or after work but it’s so much nicer sleeping in and after work you are kind of tired.
- It’s a weekend afternoon, but rather than going to the gym or even a walk, sitting on your patio sipping coffee or something stronger is much more appealing.
Do any of these sound even remotely familiar? Of course they do and that’s normal. I’ve sat on my couch talking myself out of a workout on more than one occasion. You know what? Sometimes it’s okay. We aren’t machines and our bodies do need the occasional break. It starts becoming a problem, however, when those moments of procrastination become more frequent than the times when we are putting in the actual work. The thing about procrastination is that it can easily become an unwanted habit.
Plan Ahead. This is going to be your first line of defense because a workout will never catch you off guard or by surprise. Set a non-negotiable time and stick with it. Honestly, this won’t always be easy but when the time comes this is what you will do.
Visualize. Once you see yourself doing something it kind of becomes a reality in your mind, do that enough and it’s a part of your life. After you’ve planned your workout, take a moment to see yourself doing it.
Do What You Love. Too often we do workouts we think we should be doing and those never last long because we don’t like doing them. Don’t set yourself up for failure before you even start. I really like running so that’s what I do. Is it the optimal workout for maximum weight loss? Probably not. Does it matter? I don’t think so. This is about getting you off the couch and moving and looking forward to being active. After enough time, you’ll start changing things up yourself without any prompts. You’ll watch other people training and you’ll want to try what they are doing. There’s no pressure to do everything right now.
Get A Trainer. A trainer is absolutely worth the investment. Shop around and find someone you get along with and you’ll see that the once in a while workout becomes a regular part of your life.
Keep It Short. Who says that a workout has to be a full hour or more? It’s time to break the rules. If committing to thirty minutes is easier then so be it. A shorter workout is still better than not doing one at all.
Keep Moving. Doing a one hour workout and then sitting all day isn’t good for you. It may be better than not getting up at all but sitting for extended periods of time is the real danger to our health. The idea is to get your body used to moving all the time, so that you begin to crave it. Once you get used to the idea, you can start adding in regular workouts. Try getting up and walking around every thirty minutes, walk around whenever you are on the phone or do a half a dozen push-ups every time a commercial comes on during your show.
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