How to workout in the heat. I forgot what it’s like to live in a climate that consistently seems to have record breaking temperatures and what feels like extreme humidity. When I was still very actively studying dance these were the days when our teachers would make us train extra hard. I still remember the glee in their eyes when they would announce that we would be practicing big jumps.
Now that I’m older, I find it much more difficult to train when the air is so heavy. Since summer is a few months of the year, it’s not a good idea to completely disregard workouts. It’s just about getting smarter with how we do them.
Choose The Time Wisely. It’s really easy to look up what the weather will be over the course of the week. If extreme heat and humidity is being predicted (and even if it’s not), then don’t choose mid-afternoon to schedule your workout. Instead, workout either early in the morning or after the sun starts to set. Alternatively, if you are working out outdoors, pick a day with light rain.
Try A New Workout. Who says that you have to keep doing the same workouts over and over again, in fact you actually shouldn’t. It’s good for your body to change things up every now and again and the summer months are the perfect time to do this. Go for a hike or a swim or try your hand at rock climbing. Looking for more ideas? Read, BEST LOW IMPACT WORKOUTS. This can also be the perfect time to try a workout that will actually make you better at what you are already doing. Read, BEST COMPLIMENTARY ACTIVITY FOR YOUR WORKOUT
Shop For New Clothes. Hey, your clothing matters. Just like you don’t wear a winter jacket in the summer you should be reaching for summer friendly fabrics when the temperatures begin to rise. Look for words like, “moisture-wicking” and “breathable”.
Hydrate. I know, we all hear this all the time but it really is an important point. Additionally, take a warm shower before you workout and don’t dry your hair after you wash it. This will help you stay cooler while you are sweating. If you aren’t really convinced then read, WHY NOT DRINKING ENOUGH WATER CAN MAKE YOU FAT. If you are looking for some water alternatives, especially for long workouts then this is for you, SPORTS DRINKS VS WATER
Workout Indoors. Sometimes you just have to take your workout indoors. It can be tough if you are used to working out outdoors but your health should be your first concern. There is absolutely nothing wrong with running on a treadmill or lifting weights at the gym.
As a bonus, I’ve put together some POST WORKOUT BEAUTY HACKS for you to check out!
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