Inspirational Coffee Shops
in Lifestyle

Inspirational Coffee Shops

inspirational coffee shops

Inspirational coffee shops. The original title of this post was supposed to be, “Coffee and one hour in Paris”. The title had a double meaning. Originally it was only meant to be about a little slice of paradise (in the form of a cafe) that we found in Warsaw but then I realized that we actually did spend one very hectic, stressful, frustrating and exhausting hour in Paris, France.

It all began when our flight from Warsaw to Paris (en route to Seattle) was delayed by about 20 minutes while they de-iced the plane. Once we landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport, this gave us roughly 45 minutes to run madly to our gate. Without boarding passes we were quickly turned away and told to go downstairs and have them printed out. Fine. We run downstairs to find a crush of people trying to check in. My hubby waits in line while I flag someone down (it helped that I could yell at them in French). She tells me that I have to run upstairs and check in there. By this time the clock is ticking and we are both starting to sweat. Up we go, I may have trampled someone but we make it to the desk.

There are about a hundred other people trying to check in…. I yell at some guy that our flight is already boarding and he pushes us to the front of the line. As we are checking in the same lady from downstairs comes over to us and asks if this is the place to get our boarding passes…. time stops for a second as my husband looks at her incredulously. “Really? Are you kidding me? You just told us to come here!”. Boarding passes in hand, we run back to our gate, stand in line to have a guard stamp our passports and say, “Bon Voyage”. An elevator takes us downstairs to a bus that drives us to our terminal and finally we make it our seats with moments to spare.

That was our one hour in Paris, France!

inspirational coffee shops

Our other ‘visit’ to Paris was one of our great finds in Warsaw, Croque Madame cafe on Nowy Swiat. With freshly baked bread, gorgeous pastries and great coffee it was the perfect place to unwind.

inspirational coffee shops

Bouquets of lavender adorn the walls and the decor is decidedly stereotypically french. Not that I’m complaining, I’m a sucker for anything in this style. If I had the office of my dreams it would look eerily similar. This style of decor works as the perfect inspiration for me!

inspirational coffee shops

As fresh and delicious as all the food is in Poland, I don’t think I had a better sandwich anywhere else. With classic french songs playing over the speakers and sunlight flooding the space, time stopped and we were able to momentarily forget all about the snow outside. Every city needs a cafe like this!

In fact Croque Madame is on my official list of inspirational coffee shops

*For more inspirational coffee shops follow me on instagram and twitter*

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  1. Wonderful pictures as always, glad you made your flight in time 🙂

  2. Omg look at those chairs, so adorable!

  3. Thanks for sharing these great pictures.

    If you get a sec, check out my latest post ‘Wrapped in Black and White’.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Elizabeth McKinnon

    Great pic’s… Looking forward to see more

  5. That place looks amazing. As I was reading your sentences, I felt the vibe of that place. Btw, I’m glad that you managed to board in.

  6. Looks so lovely! Jels of your travels

  7. What a stunning design

  8. That looks so lovely, I really like the design. xx

  9. Our Beauty Philosophy

    Picturesque pretty, thats wonderful xo

  10. Caroline, what a mini adventure. At least the bad was balanced out with your little slice of heaven, so great cafe find. Thanks for flying back to share this with us.

    Stay Stylish,
    TL. Xx
    Twynkle Loves

  11. What a frustrating experience…Paris airport. Love your pictures from Warsaw’s Parisian chic coffee shop.


  12. I would say the Warsaw experience wins, hands down! Thank goodness you could speak French at CDG; a 45 minute connection would be tight any day of the week at that airport, but having to deal with the boarding pass complication is insane. You must have felt so relieved to take your seats!

  13. Ooh how delightful… I love to find little treasures like that! Anything French is fine by me… Sorry your time in Paris was distressful!

  14. Wow, what an experience… It would be like Paris to find a way to make itself as interesting, relevant, and stylish as it possibly could in an hour. I guess the city made sure you’d never forget her.

    1. I’ve been to the actual city and I love it but I can live without the airport! Although the shopping there is insane. I’ve never seen so many high end shops in one place.

      1. Hopefully one day, I’ll be able to take a trip to Paris… I’m sure the shops would make me insane though

  15. I do know this place!!! The bread there and sandwiched are delicious! Do you like the snowy weather in Warsaw?

  16. Francesco Barcello

    What a nice place! I like this post!:)
    Have a good Sunday!

  17. Jamie "ChatterBlossom

    That little patisserie is perfect. I agree, every city needs one (or many) of these!

  18. Aikaterini Pegka

    Omg my heart beat got up whilst reading your “1 hour in Paris”….glad to hear all went well though 🙂

  19. Such a lovely place!

    xx Karolina

  20. wow, great pics and moments!

    if you like sketches of dresses await your visit!
    Brazilian greetings

  21. Surbhi Suri (@thefashionflite)

    wow, the interiors are so cool !!
    Thanks so much for ur comment on my blog !

  22. vintagefrenchchic

    Your one hour in actual Paris sounds ridiculously hectic. But this place looks like a nice little oasis! : )

  23. Paris is an amazing city! And I’m actually moving back there this summer!!! I can’t wait! <3

    Please go ahead and read my newest article on

  24. Cool photos… amazing location!!!!

  25. Since you live in Canada, can you speak french? If you can, did you have any conversations with the local people there?

    1. I’ve gone to French schools my entire life so I can speak/read/write in french really well. I was literally at the airport for 45 minutes so I only got to yell at people this time…..

  26. The place looks so cute! You should totally actually visit Paris once too though! It’s such a wonderful place.
    xoxo, Sam

    1. I have been to Paris and I absolutely love it! I’m just happy not going to CDG airport again.

  27. So jealous! These pictures look amazing sweetie! Love it!


  28. I was expecting something totally different from your title! How funny!
    Glad you made it to your plane…don’t you just love airports??
    Great photos, btw!

  29. Yolanda Black (@80_YolandaBlack)

    Ohhh so nice!!! Very european indeed..xoxo

  30. Pretty place
    Really impressive blog, love your style. If you want check mine and we could follow each other:-)

    New post
    Follow me at Bloglovin!

  31. dresses in the attic

    Pretty, pretty pictures!
    I love your blog for one, and second, I wish I was in France, or somewhere remotely close to Paris.
    Great post,

    Love, Em.

  32. Lara Takahashi (@rocketraptor)

    Aaagh I hate it when you have to transit a plane in a hurry >< It's horrid!
    That coffee shop looks super cute 🙂

  33. this place looks so cozy!!! Super nice!
    Sorry about your stressful hour! I know how it feels! xxx

  34. What a stressful experience for you, I’m glad the rest of your trip was a little more relaxing!

  35. Oh my goodness, I would have crazy anxiety pangs if that happened to me! I’m glad you were able to yell at the workers in French 🙂 But more so, I’m glad that you were able to find a nice little spot with delicious morsels!

  36. Hey, love your style and love your blog…following you on Bloglovin! (:
    Check out mine and follow me if you like it too
    much love.x

    Check out and like my Facebook page

  37. Your 1 hr in paris seems to me full of excitement after all the crazy experience at the airport . Being a part of airline industry, I feel sad that you had to go through all this. Btw which airline were you flying .
    I love those pics, those chairs and that city 🙂

  38. A Resplendent Resurgence

    Oh I miss Paris so much. Soak it in, girl. And enjoy the Croque Madame. So yummy.

  39. borsadimarypoppins

    beautiful pictures!!!:)

  40. so pretty! at least you got to enjoy that xx

  41. I´ve experienced stress too at Charles de Gaulle. I was traveling to Baku via CDG, and all of a sudden my visa wasn´t approved. Had to wait a while until the manager gave the green light. Not to mention that I had to walk through the parking house, because I sat on the bus one stop too long 😛
    xoxo KJ

  42. You have alvays very interesting post:) Paris is fantastic city:) Regards!

  43. That is so cute..can totally see that in my living room as decoration 🙂

  44. wow looks so lovely! great post!
    xx Kate

    The Style Department

  45. Wow…… cool photos!!!!

  46. Hectic 45 minutes, but I’m sure you wouldn’t want to change a minute of it for anything.

    XOXO Nensi

  47. miss Margaret Cruzemark

    Paris is the most romantic city in the world. I mean only the title of this shop patisserie-boulangerie turns on the romance mood.
    Best Regards
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

  48. lovely post, Paris is in my wishlist, too. i love the pictures.

  49. I absolutely love the decor in that Cafe and I can only dream of visiting Paris right now! So jealous!l xx!

  50. I love Paris! I enjoy to having a break in these bohemian cafes… Is a perfect place to get the spirit of the city!

    1. I agree, I can’t wait to go back and really enjoy the city!

  51. Wow that cafe is Chic!
    Sounds wonderfully and such a contrast to your mad rush and dash!
    We’re off to Paris in August – so looking forward to it!

  52. This place is gorgeous! I’m so jealous haha xxx

  53. Love Poland! They truly have one of the most delicious fresh baked breads and coffee. I lived there for a year and haven’t found anything that comes close!!

  54. Wow!!! The place is fabulous!!! Sharing on my Design Page!!! Thank you for sharing!! 🙂

    1. Awe thanks so much!

  55. The Lady Coquette

    I love this, I think sometimes our ideas of Paris are actually more alluring than the real deal. 🙂

    1. Ha! So true….

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