Inspirational Quotes and a New Path
in Lifestyle

Inspirational Quotes and a New Path

inspirational quotes

Inspirational quotes. Sometimes life changes direction. You are traveling down a straight path, up ahead you can see a light and then suddenly out of nowhere everything get flipped upside down and inside out. A new path is laid out in front of you, a path you haven’t chosen , a path you never thought you’d have to take. As you stand starring down this road, you must begin anew. One foot in front of the other walking blindly until you can see again.

Due to some unfortunate events this week, a friend’s life has changed forever. In the blink of an eye his world will never be the same again. Amid the chaos it was heartwarming to see how friends and family rallied. People gathered from far and wide to offer support and lend a hand. Yesterday, as I was returning from Vancouver Island, I took this photograph and thought that it would fit beautifully with this quote I discovered.

We shouldn’t wait for a tragedy to notice the good things in life and to appreciate the small pleasures. So today I challenge all of you to find someone and do one nice thing to make them happy.

Quite often inspirational quotes can help us get through difficult times, what are some of your favourites?

*Please follow me on twitter and instagram for more inspirational quotes*


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  1. I completely agree! Loved this post! ♥

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate that.

  2. I love to dream… but never seem to remember when I do 🙁
    Kisses from Miami,

    1. I don’t remember many of my dreams either but there are a few beautiful ones that I’ll never forget

  3. so true,love the quote..taking you advice : ) have a good weekend


    1. Oh yay, i’m sure you’ll make someone very happy! Have a great weekend.

  4. What a lovely thought-provoking post. that’s great advice! Love the first image and the quote.

    1. Thanks! Yeah I just needed to commemorate this week.

  5. Hi this is a lovely blog honey I think we should follow on GFC and Bloglovin? what do you think?
    let me know I’ll follow back for sure
    New post is up on my blog WITH COUPON DISCOUNT you should have a look 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! Will definitely check out your blog! xo

    1. It really made an impression on me.

  6. Michi of Delphina Luxe

    Great post. Appreciating the little things when all else is terrible is easier said than done, but it’s definitely important to try. This is something I continuously try and put into practice, and it’s quite hard.

    1. It’s extremely difficult but I think sometimes it’s the only way to stay sane.

  7. tr3ndygirl fashion blog

    this is such an interesting post!
    check my latest post if you want too:)
    NEW POST -> Tr3nDyGiRL Fashion Blog

    1. Thank you.

  8. Definitely feeling your words.. very deep quotes!


    1. Thank you. It has been a tragic week and I wanted to make a note of it.

  9. Great reflexion… I’m so sorry about your friend and it’s true that we have to live day a day as if was the last…and try to do the best for others!

    Have a nice weekend honey!
    Lady Trends

    1. I think when you start thinking of others it helps you move forward.

  10. I follow you back honey 🙂 Facebook also? let me know I’ll follow back
    New post is up on my blog you should have a look 🙂

    1. Fb sounds good! xo

  11. Very true… it’s important to be thankful for each moment..

    1. I really realized that this past week…..

  12. So very true!! If you have a dream, go for never knwo how much time you have to get it! Making other people happy should always be on your mind as well!

    1. You said it! I think that’s the perfect way to look at it.

  13. this is very true an nice…. Appreciate it!!!

    1. Thank you so much! xo

  14. What a lovely quote 🙂

  15. so inspiring!

    xoxo from rome

    1. I thought so too! Thanks.

  16. Paola Lauretano

    I totally agree, my friend! I love to dream…. beautiful post!!!!!
    Enjoy your sunday Caroline!

    1. Oh thank you so much! Me too, dreaming is what keeps me going!

  17. Such a beautiful post, photo and quote that I had to share, inspiring.

    Stay Stylish,
    TL. Xx

    Twynkle Loves

    1. Thank yo so much!

  18. It is wonderful finding new inspiration!

    1. Oh how nice! I agree, I love inspiring quotes.

    1. Thank you! xo

    1. Thank you so much!

  19. Laurie @ Pride in Photos

    Beautiful image and quote…yes, we all need to remember what we DO have.

    1. Thank you and agreed! xo

  20. Jamie "ChatterBlossom"

    That is so sad to hear about your friend…hard to say anything else really…

    1. It was an awful, tragic accident. I really felt that I needed to write some sort of tribute.

    1. I knew I had to use it somewhere as soon as I saw it, then later that afternoon when I took that picture I just knew the two had to go together.

  21. amazing quote!
    I really like your blog

    love, Gongy

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that.

  22. amazing quote!
    I really like your blog

    love, Gongy

    1. Oh thank you so much for both those comments! I fell in love with that quote when I saw it.

  23. miss Margaret Cruzemark

    This is such a beautiful quote. I am really obsessed with these pics that quotes are written on and I have a big collection on my pc.
    Best Regards
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

    1. Oh how wonderful! I knew the two just fit together as soon as I took the photograph…

  24. Love inspirational post! Very Inspiring thank you for sharing!

    Frances O

    1. Thank you so much!xo

  25. soo true lovely babe

    1. Thank you! xo

  26. Such a lovely quote, and so very true. So sorry to hear about your friend, as they say, what ever happens is meant to be and happens for a reason.


    1. Yeah it was pretty devastating but that quote just seemed to apply. xo

  27. Such a lovely quote. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  28. I am definitely guilty of not stopping to smell the roses but its something I am now more conscious of and I work on it daily. I hope your friend is healing and I am happy he has friends and loved ones for comfort.

  29. Pam aka MzZoomer

    Beautiful post Caroline. All so very very true and such a lovely quote.

  30. I’ve been preaching this message for years. We are too complacent and assume life will be forever normal. That assumption is often wrong. I had a friend younger than me die suddenly from a brain-tumor; another, also younger than me, had a stroke. Tragedy is common and we need to treat life as a fragile, precious gift.

    Oh, and you used to dance professionally?! Wow! I’m impressed.

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