Revolver Style: Morning Coffee
in Brand Work Lifestyle

Revolver Style: Morning Coffee

pastries at the coffee shop

I have this dream of waking up in the morning, making a fresh cup of coffee and stepping out onto my balcony overlooking Central Park in NYC (or the Eiffel Tower in Paris). I can picture it so clearly that on some morning I feel like I’m actually there. Unfortunately at this point it’s still just a dream so I’ve made it my mission to find the best coffee shop in Vancouver where I can completely lose myself in this vision. Coffee is a big part of my lifestyle. While I function just fine without it and It’s not a necessity I really look forward to sitting down for a minute and savouring the taste. I found a little slice of my dream at Revolver a relatively new addition to Gastown.

coffee shop

This is definitely my favourite spot, it’s like a little bit of NYC in Vancouver. Gorgeous architecture, high ceilings combined with hardwood and red brick play a large part in the overall sensory experience. So much to see that I haven’t even mentioned their coffee yet…..

coffee brewing

It is important to know that I had my first cup of coffee at the age of 12ish on a beach in Italy. My grandmother was enjoying an espresso con panna. I asked for a sip, she obliged and I promptly drank the whole thing. She just laughed, told me not to tell my mother and ordered herself another one. So as you can see I’ve been completely and totally spoiled for life.

music at the coffee shop

Revolver with its cool hipster vibe really is a non commercialized experience. The family (yes it’s family owned, I find the best places usually are) definitely got it right, I walk in and I feel like I’m in a warm and cozy extension of my home.

friend's at the coffee shop

I must have done a really great job raving about this place because some of my friends decided to show for the photo shoot…..I told them they’d be featured.ย  Not sure how they’ll feel about this but they had a great time listening to the music, enjoying their coffees and sampling the delicious homemade deserts (I could probably write a whole post about these amazing treats). My friends really enjoyed ย  the Brew Flight, such a great idea, where you are served 3 samplings of coffee, same bean brewed 3 different ways. It’s designed to ‘demonstrate the range of cup characteristics achievable using different brew methods’. On a personal note, I’ve grown up and graduated from my decadent coffee days and now I love the simpleย espresso macchiato (espresso with a little bit of milk).

coffee shop

They take their coffee very seriously here but always with a sense of humour. I believe their goal is to educate. Everyone clearly loves the product and they eagerly welcome questions. There are so many brewing types and bean types that it’s easy to get lost in all of it but they open the door and pave the way for you to understand why something tastes the way it does. For example it’s here that I realized I like my latte’s made at just about 130 degrees. Go on ask for that the next time you are at a coffee shop, I dare you and please let me know what you think!

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  1. Nice post dear! I’m Italian so coffee is very important for me <3

    1. I think in my heart I’m part Italian!

  2. Hmmm… 130 degree latte – I will have to experiment with that!

    1. Please try it! 130-135, it makes the milk creamier and you can drink it right away.

  3. when I worked as a barista, there were a bunch of customers that wanted their lattes exactly at 135 degrees. Apparently that’s the magic number lol.

    1. It’s the perfect drinking temp. and it doesn’t burn the milk! Yay for them.

  4. Oh I love this post. I work part-time in a coffee house that just opened a few months ago and we are always looking for new ideas. The brew flight is a great one…will pass it on.

    BTW, I have had the same dream.

    1. Well then I will meet you in NY or Paris! They also do 3 different beans brewed the same way….. ha! Insider trading. They have a whole bunch of ways to brew.

  5. Love the story! Its a great post doll.
    As for hm x mmm , im getting the sneakers and tights thats all what my budget allows me this month lol and ill def post abt’em most probably in outfits, my blog lacks it ๐Ÿ™
    Anyhow, have a wonderful day ahead of u !
    Xx nini

  6. love these photos,I’m addicted to coffee:)

    New post on

  7. Goodmorning from Greece Caroline!!! Drinking my coffee and reading favortie blogs!!
    Btw this place looks great!!!!

    Eirini from

    1. Yay Greece! That is one place I’m dying to visit. Hopefully next year I’ll be moving to Europe and then I’m just going to travel Everywhere!

  8. Mmmm it looks so good!

    > <

  9. I’m not a massive coffee drinker, much prefer tea but there is just something about finding a nice coffee shop that you can relax and unwind in.

    1. I think that’s the trick, I want to feel comfortable. I love tea too (fave tea is a orange pekoe blend at the Fairmont Empress in Victoria Can.)

  10. Raisa @ Endless Wardrobe

    There seems to be a charm in family owned and operated coffee shops. =D

    Do visit the fashion blog at

    1. They are always the best. I did visit your site…love rubies!

  11. Wonderful place, given that urge to take a coffee ‘-‘

    1. I always enjoy a good cup of coffee!

  12. Coffee is like a must for me every morning. My day starts when I have my cup of coffee. If I have my coffee at 2pm then the day starts at 2pm. Else, I’ll be groggy the whole day! =D

    1. Ha! That’s funny. Mental note, if I ever run in to you I’ll make sure to have a cup of coffee with me just in case!

  13. This makes me miss my favorite coffee shop I frequented when I live in California–it had the brick walls and homey feeling too. Looks like such a cute place! I’m a little jealous ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also, a brew flight?! Genius, I say.

  14. Obi-Wan Takahashi (@rocketraptor)

    Ow nice, he is playing Pink Floyd!
    Looks cozy. I like fancy coffee shops but then I always go for plain black coffee lol ๐Ÿ˜€
    x, Lara

    1. I like plain coffee (though I need a bit of milk). The genius of this place is that the coffee tastes like coffee should, it’s not burnt or sour!

    1. Thanks so much!

  15. I would love to wake up at Vancouver. Have a coffee with you and a long discussion about life, Paris, NYC and your amazing city. Kisses.

    1. Oh any time!!!!! That would be so much fun.

  16. Thank you so much! Nice post dear ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. My pleasure!

  17. Hello Caroline, first of all, thank you so much for the nomination. I’m gonna answer the questions soon.
    Secondly, I love your story. I never drink coffe, but for years I couldn’t start my day without a cup of hot cocoa. My mommy used to make it for me. This is how she woke me up ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. My pleasure and thanks! That’s so nice…what a great memory.

  18. I’ve never been a coffee person, only started once I got to uni and had to stay awake to finish my assignments :(… Most of the coffee shops around here are really expensive though! And the deco is as nice as this one, apart from a few but their prices are not really student friendly. How are the prices at Revolver compared to say the usual Starbucks or Costa? ย 

    – Mai

    1. Prices are pretty similar I think, but the taste of the coffee is WAY better, much more pure. They don’t serve anything too fancy and the beans don’t taste burnt or sour. (Hopefully I’m not starting a huge revolution by saying that)

  19. I enjoy reading every detail on how you really enjoyed your coffee. yesterday I was at a Lavazza coffee shop, its an Italian coffee shop and had my espresso macchiato. just reminds me how grumpy I’ll be if my coffee is not as good as what I had yesterday ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Oh I like Lavazza! (I just don’t like Starbucks and some of the other chains….is that bad to admit?)

  20. what an adorable coffeeshop! and i sympathize with your wanting to wake up and be in paris. moi aussi!

    thanks for checking out my blog!

    1. It has been a dream for a very long time…see you there (hopefully!)

  21. thank you for visiting my blog! I have the same dream hahah
    the cafe looks amazing

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting dear. Really appreciate it. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Now I’ll get my coffee … inspired by this haha. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Yay for coffee!

  23. thanks for sharing! i hadn’t heard about this place, maybe i will check it out next time i’m around in gastown ๐Ÿ™‚
    thanks for the sunshine award! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Of course! You should definitely go and make sure to try the muffins…. (the mom makes them fresh every day!)

  24. Thank you for your lovely comment!
    Your blog is amazing! I love it! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Why don’t we follow each other? ๐Ÿ˜€

  25. Great post! I’m addicted to coffee! ๐Ÿ™‚

    xx Karolina

    Caramode Blog – BloglovinFacebook

  26. I’m a coffee addict and this coffee looks so ymmy <3

  27. Thanks for your nice comment ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great story! I love coffee too!

  28. This place looks amazing!

  29. Lady ร  la mode

    This place looks fantastic! I loved an exposed brick wall in restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, apartments… pretty much anywhere! xx

  30. chocolatepearlsblog

    Yummy Yummmy! Looks amazing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. When I don’t have coffee I suffer from major withdrawals lol if you’re ever in Orange County, CA you MUST visit Portola Coffee Lab!

    1. I am so in and extending the same invite right back at you!

  32. Perfect place! nothing better than a morning coffee!

    1. I agree!

  33. Hey Caroline. Enjoyed our delicious coffee this afternoon at Revolver. It truly is an awesome place…and oh so busy. Talk soon. Have an awesome weekend.

    1. Yay for awesome coffee! Have a great weekend too!

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