The Cross Designs Yaletown Spaces
in Lifestyle

The Cross Designs Yaletown Spaces

The cross

The Cross.

This is the entrance to The Cross Decor & Design, an amazing a-little-bit-everything-wonderful-you-could-possibly-want boutique in Yaletown. I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time I walk by this place.

The cross

This display greets you when you walk in. A little while ago I was examining the idea that fashion surrounds us and came to the conclusion that the fashions and styles we choose for our interiors have a huge impact on our every day lives. I believe that when you have a beautiful space to come home to it relaxes the mind and offers a sense of peace. This is such a welcoming and inspirational space. So many beautiful details.

The cross

Yes they even carry things for the little ones in our lives. I keep spoiling my friend’s new babies with these luxuries. Every new child deserves to be spoiled and each receives a sumptuous baby blanket with a matching hat. Personally I’m trying to figure out a way that I can fit in to some of this clothes……

The cross

I could spend hours right here trying to choose which candle I like best. Just purchased the Voluspa Crisp Champagne candle and I love it!

The cross

If you can’t find enough inspiration right in front of you then there is an amazing library full of beautiful books about Fashion, Design, Style, Architecture and much more!

The cross

A whole space dedicated to all the DIY-ers out there. This is my go to place for ribbons and paper whenever anyone is having a birthday. Don’t even get me started on the type of wrapping I can put together for the holidays!

The cross

How great is this table! Vintage and modern always make the perfect combination in my book.  Although this table and setting are definitely vintage in nature they could be transplanted into my modern condo and fit right in. I love the sparkly chandeliers in a contemporary shape and the crisp white plates against a rugged wooden table.

The cross

This area makes me smile. I have purchased many lovely tea cups that I send to Poland to my grandmother. She loves vintage tea cups and this was my first stop when heading over to help celebrate her 95th birthday!

The cross

This sparkly spot is my gift corner. Whenever I’m in need of that something special, that something original, that something I’m sure my friend won’t have, I make a beeline for these pieces. I’m going to say that a few of them have appeared in earlier posts as I can’t always bring myself to give them away.

The cross

The owl is next on my list, I believe it would make the perfect milk jug with just the right touch of whimsy.

Walking into The Cross is like being wrapped in a cozy sparkling blanket, it is both visually stunning and comforting at the same time. Definitely one of my happy places.

Now to prove the title right I just have to find a way to convince the staff at The Cross to let me move in!

*For more on spaces like The Cross join me on instagram and twitter*

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  1. Love this post, beautiful gift ideas. Y xo

  2. Thank’s for your visit on my blog
    i love this post 🙂
    (sorry i’m bad in english^^)
    xoxo fron France

  3. What a wonderful looking shop!

  4. wow, what a gorgeous store!
    ♥ Thankfifi
    thanks so much for your comment today – it did make me feel better 😉

    1. My pleasure!!!!

  5. WAW! this place looks so so COOL! Can I move in too? :p

    1. Yes! There’s lots of room and they keep changing it up so it will always be different!

  6. WOW! *o*

    I felt in love with this place! <3
    xoxo giada

    1. Ha! It’s easy to do.

  7. I also want to move in! I think you just found a bunch of new roommates 😉

    1. Woohoo! This is going to be fun. Big space, plenty of light and tons of awesome restaurants nearby!

  8. A's Fashion Files

    That looks like a store that I would spend WAY TOO MANY HOURS in!! 🙂
    And thanks so much for stopping by my blog–I really hope that we can keep in touch!!
    AND PS, please don’t forget to enter my 1500 follower GIVEAWAY here! 🙂
    A’s Fashion Files
    Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!

  9. Katherine Pega (@Plesia74)

    I love the fact that you show us great places/stores around your town! It gives your blog a down-to-earth feeling that I absolutely adore. Have a great week, Katherine,

    1. Oh thanks so much for that, it means a lot! I’m not so great at doing the OOTD posts (although I love reading them) but I want to share all the things that I love.

  10. what an amazing store, I love the books part!

    thank you for the comment, the flowers were lovely indeed 🙂

  11. Lovely photos!
    That place looks so cute.

    1. It’s pretty amazing!

  12. That place it gorgeous! I wish I had something like that a bit closer to home. I cannot get over how gorgeous it is. I know what you mean about environments shaping our emotions and well beings. Another shop that gets the environment is Anthropologie. When I entered their shop in London, I felt so good about being there and I just wanted to stay in their shop all day long. They have details and it makes me feel at home. Definitely not the same feeling as Gap or H&M.

    1. I really like Anthropologie too, it’s a great store and come to think of it has some really similar things!

    1. Thanks!

  13. Jamie Lynn Fleetwood

    Such a cozy store!! Thanks for the tour, I definitely get that warm fuzzy feeling just seeing the images, so I can imagine how nice of a store it is to actually visit in person!

    1. I’m glad you like it. I love that place!

  14. Such a beautiful shop!


  15. Looks like an awesome place!

    1. It definitely is, lots of great things to discover!

  16. This store looks like heaven to me! I love all the white details and the rustic and industrial furniture. This is my ideal home decor!

    1. I love it too. Could easily spend all my money there!

  17. trendsconnections

    Thanks for comment! LOVE this Yaletown boutique!!!

  18. I absolutely love The Cross – it was by far my favourite home store when I lived in Vancouver. This post brought back many happy shopping memories 🙂

    1. Woohoo! I’m so glad.

  19. beautiful pictures, only now I want to go shopping!
    thanks for your lovely comment, would you like to follow each other? 🙂


  20. what a cool store! lovely photos, thanks for sharing xx

    a thousand million words

  21. Wow what an amazing shop! I’d be so overwhelmed by all of the great finds and probably spend way too much money!

    1. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and even easier to open your wallet!

  22. Amy Bishop (@drmngincashmere)

    Okay seriously this little shop is like a slice of heaven on earth!!! We used to have a couple of shops similar to this one & they are gone now. Makes me sad. Love this one!!!
    xo, amy

    1. You are more than welcome to come by and check it out!!!!

  23. Gorgeous, this is by far my fave shop in Vancouver, and have done many a post myself on this beautiful store!!

    1. Yeah, The Cross can never get boring. I love it!

  24. Oh wow! This place looks so inspiring! I would totally love to own everything in the cabinet, along with cute little white owls. 😀

    – Sasha

    1. So would I…that’s the problem. I’m not always allowed to go in there.

  25. You take some gorgeous pictures too Caroline! Cute shop!

    1. Oh, thanks so much!

  26. It’s such a lovely place. And all those ribbons, I love.

    1. I know there’s something about a great ribbon…so much fun to play with them!

  27. This place is heavenly!! I can see why you love it so much. I’m ready to move in!

    1. You’re more than welcome to, there is plenty of space!

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