Navy Heels With A Touch Of Gold
in Shoes Style

Navy Heels With A Touch Of Gold

Snakeskin clutch to match my navy heels

Navy Heels. Well I’ve now been in Europe for an entire week. It has been a non stop ride with seeing family, opening bank accounts and shopping for additional pieces of furniture to make our apartment into a home.  Luckily amidst all the day to day errands, a few nights ago, we were also invited to a journalism awards ceremony.

This sent us into a huge scramble as we have almost no clothing and certainly nothing fit for a red carpet event.  I did the mental checklist and I had a little black dress, a pair of fabulous earring and not much else…..  So Wednesday morning meant a mad dash  to the mall to pick up a pair of heels, a coat and a fabulous clutch.  I think I went into every single shoe store and tried on a million pairs so I was thrilled when I zeroed in on a beautiful pair of navy heels.  They are a very dark blue patent leather with a touch of gold on the back, which I feel gives them a bit of a retro look, but with a contemporary twist.

close up on navy heels gold accents

It’s funny, because normally I wouldn’t purchase navy heels but I just couldn’t resist these. To be honest they look almost black, but the shape is classic and I feel that they will be perfect for years to come. Generally I like to have my shoes resoled before wearing them, as this protects them in the long term, however, one night won’t make much of a difference and I’m now on the lookout for a great shoe repair place. What I’ve found, so far,  is a true shoemaker who makes the most wonderful creations. I must head over there to see if I can take a look inside her workshop. I have to admit, I’m also thinking that a handmade-especially-for-me-one-of-a-kind pair of heels would be simply amazing! Fingers crossed please that I can make this happen.

Would you wear a pair of navy heels?

Navy heels I’m currently loving:

*For more about navy heels please visit me on pinterest and twitter*


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  1. Those heels are awesome dear! Look perfect for a red carpet! I would like to see you dress up for the even.
    I have a couple of shoes in blue. Ones are like denim blue in suede. And others are blue and white egg… But no exactly dark blue.
    Have a great evening dear!

    Lady Trends
    http://myladytrends.blogspot.com.es/ NEW POST!!


    1. Thank you! I will absolutely post my outfit!

  2. Love the heels! They are rad!
    Good find and great purchase!
    Wonderful to hear you settling in.
    x Kirsty

    1. Thanks! Yeah, slowly things are coming together.

    1. Thank you!

  3. I love navy heels and your looks amazing. The gold detail is super cool.

    1. Awe thanks so much!!!

  4. Amazing shoes…. I love the golden details!!!!!
    Kisses darling!

    1. Thank you so much and thanks for stopping by!

  5. Ooh gosh.. who wouldn’t want a new pair of shoes! Love the navy and with gold? LOVE!

    1. Yay, thanks so much. Yeah it wasn’t a huge effort to purchase them…

  6. I love navy everything, funny enough i don’t think I have any in shoe form. Eeek! Will have to change that I think LOL. Loving the gold detailing on the back, they look super fierce!


    1. Oh you must run out and buy a pair!

  7. Love love love those shoes! The gold touch makes them so exquisite!
    I’ve never owned navy shoes, but maybe one day 🙂


    1. Thanks! Yeah, I’m really happy with this purchase.

  8. great heels)


    1. Awe thanks!

  9. Love the gold detail! xxx


    1. Thanks so much!

  10. Such a great find Caroline, you always know how to capture your pieces well in photos. I love the touch of gold and these heels are a staple classic. That clutch is amazing too. NEED!

    Stay Stylish, TL. Xx

    1. Wow thanks so much! I really appreciate that about the photography, I’ve been working on it!

  11. These look very fancy! The gold detail is just perfection! *_*

    1. Thanks! I knew they were mine the minute I saw them.

  12. A classic pump with great detail..I love them. I’m also digging that clutch and those earrings!

    1. Thanks! That clutch was another great last second find.

  13. Those pumps are a dream Caroline!
    Coco et La vie en rose
    Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
    Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

    1. Ha! Thanks so much.

  14. Like yours as they are dark enough to seem black! Lovely purchase!

    1. Thanks! Yeah they’re super dark.

    1. Thanks!

  15. Gorgeous shoes! If only I could afford those! Lol. Maybe when I graduate and have a “big-girl” salary because I want a pair of Loubs and Jimmy Choos!! Who’s your favorite shoe designer?


    1. You know they weren’t very expensive, they just look it. I had a tight budget for this purchase. Fave shoes? I’m going with Louboutin, they are just so iconic!

      1. Yes!!! I purchased my first pair of Loubs on a whim last summer. They were gorgeous, but then I realized I was a sophomore in college and had absolutely nowhere to wear them to so I returned them. Louboutin has the prettiest shoes. I visited the store on Madison Avenue when I spent a week in Times Square last summer- the store displays were phenomenal. Well in that case you made a great purchase!


  16. Your fabulous shoes inspired me to do a little shoe DIY! I borrowed one of your pics to demonstrate (hope you don’t mind, but I’ll be happy to take it down if you do), and linkied to you!


    1. I think it’s fabulous that you did, thank you so much!!!

  17. I literally just got navy heels this week! So my answer is yes. Hope you had a great night at the awards.x

    thanks so much for your sweet comment.x

  18. Killer heels!! I love the touch of gold on the back! I would definitely rock a pair of navy heels, especially if they looked like yours!

    xo, Jackie

    1. Thanks! I can’t wait for an excuse to wear them again!

  19. Really lovely shoes! I love your clutch too! 🙂

  20. you could never go wrong with a lbd:)

    frances O.


  21. OOO I’m loving the navy heels. Gorgeous!! Found you through another blogger friend! 😉 Love your blog!! xox


    1. Awe thanks so much, I appreciate it! So glad you stopped by.

    1. Thanks so much!

  22. This show is GORGEOUS! They are the perfect pair of classic black pumps! Soo friggin chic! love this!

    1. Ha! Thank so much!!!

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