No Gym Arm Workout
in Fit on the Side Workouts

No Gym Arm Workout

No gym arm workout. Having taken dance classes for pretty much my whole life, I’m lucky to have fairly toned arms. (don’t believe me dance tones your arms? Hold your arms out to the sides for 3 minutes and let me know how they feel) As bikini season approaches, many of us will probably be hitting the gym with more frequency, but until that time there are some great exercises you can do at home that will have your arms looking their best when that first tee gets pulled out of your closet. You will need a few props, but they should be pretty easy to find and you can be as creative as you need to be.
no gym arm workout



Uneven push ups. These are kind of brutal, but an amazing total body workout. Position yourself in a classic push up position while placing one hand on a ball. If you don’t have a weighted one, you can always use a basket ball or a soccer ball.  Aim for 10 push ups on each side, but be warned they are hard.

Triceps push ups. We’ve all done triceps dips and they are fantastic, but why not try something a little different? Starting in a classic push up position, simply place your hands in line with your shoulders, elbows tucked in and pointing straight back and not to the sides. Aim for 15 push ups.

Biceps curls. By now you can probably feel your arms starting to burn. Time to get the biceps going. You’ll need weighs or a resistance band. Standing with your feet hip width apart, do 20 curls. Just remember to keep your shoulders down and your stomach muscles engaged.

Side arm raises. Another long time classic. Simply lift your arms up and out the sides, no higher than your shoulders. Aim for 15-20 lifts.

Arm circles. Remember the ballet arms I just talked about? Now’s your chance to feel that burn. Simply lift your arms out to the sides at shoulder height and do small controlled arm circles. 20 clockwise and 20 anti-clockwise. The shoulder joint is a complex and a delicate group, so please be careful with these, especially if you’ve had any shoulder issues in the past. Keep the movement small. You can use a very light weight or no weight at all.

Shoulder press. Another classic exercise. Holding weights or even a large jug of water, if that’s what you have on hand, press your arms up overhead while keeping your shoulders down. Aim for 20 reps.
no gym arm workout
Whether you do these all at once or pick one exercise each day, you should have t-shirt worthy arms in no time. Just remember to modify the exercises as needed. Drop to your knees if you have to for the push ups, there’s nothing wrong with that unless you aren’t progressing.

What are your favourite arm exercises?

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images courtesy of DollarPhotoClub

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    1. Monique@The Urban Mum

      I love this – especially as I am feeling a bit over the gym at the moment, I do feel that body weight exercises are great, I generally just opt for pushups so lovely to have some variety now. Thank you. x

      1. Yeah, it’s good to have some exercises to do at home when the gym is just not an option. I’m glad you like them!

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