in Fit on the Side Healthy Living

Why Do We Focus On Weight

Why do we focus on weight. Recently I was attending a family get together when some people commented that I looked great and that I...
in Style

Why You Have Nothing To Wear

Why you have nothing to wear. A while back I wrote about What To Wear When You Have Nothing To Wear, where I gave you ideas...
in Style

Should You Have A Minimalist Wardrobe

Should you have a minimalist wardrobe. As I prepare to move yet again, I’ve realized that I’m getting pretty sick of constantly purging my stuff....
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living Workouts

Succeed At Working Out

Succeed at working out. Having both worked in and owned gyms, I can definitely attest to the fact that there is a natural ebb and...
in Style

How To Look Less Frumpy

How to look less frumpy. With temperatures surpassing 20 degrees this weekend, we can officially say that spring is here and summer is just around...
in Fit on the Side Workouts

20 Minute Workout By FitWise

20 minute workout by FitWise. Due to the popularity of the first 20 Minute workout which you can find here: I’ve decided to give you...
in Beauty Makeup

Best Foundation For Travel

Best foundation for travel. I recently took a very long trip. Not the kind where you sit on a plane for 20 hours, but the...
in Fit on the Side Healthy Living Weight Loss

Losing Weight In 2017

Losing weight in 2017. My feed is filled with people wanting to lose weight, people flaunting (in a good way) their weight loss and there’s...
in Style

Am I Too Old To Wear That

Am I too old to wear that. I have a confession to make, I really love those wedge trainers that became popular a few years...
in Fit on the Side Workouts

20 Minute Workout From FitWise

20 MINUTE WORKOUT FROM FITWISE Sometimes you don’t have a lot of time for a workout and sometimes well, you just don’t always feel like...