Photography For Bloggers Outdoor Shots
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Photography For Bloggers Outdoor Shots

photography for bloggers outdoor shots

Photography for bloggers outdoor shots. Just to take a moment to recap, we already did a general overview of how to take great shots and last week we spoke about composition. This week, let’s start tackling the subject of lighting. Before getting in to all the different types of lenses you could possibly buy and their pros and cons, it’s probably best to start with something a little more basic but super important. Not everyone has a fancy camera and lots of expensive lenses but we can all play with lighting. There seems to be a misconception that just going outside means you’ll have fantastic images and unfortunately that’s not quite true, so let’s take a moment to look at how to get great outdoor shots.

photography for bloggers outdoor shots


GET OUT OF THE SUN. As bloggers, we always hear that it’s best to take your photos outside, but when the sun is high in the sky it can be very bright and will cast harsh shadows on your subject. The trick at this moment is to look for some shade.  Think of it this way, photographers often use coloured lens filters or diffusers to soften images and the shade will naturally do exactly that. Now don’t go looking for the deepest darkest corner you can find, as you still need to be near your primary light source (aka the sun). Look for objects like a wall or a sidewalk that will bounce the sun’s  light onto your subject giving it a softer, warmer glow.

  • Additional tips. Turn on your flash even on bright sunny days because the extra light will help fill in shadows. This is particularly helpful when there is a lot of back light and too many harsh shadows. Think of a photograph where you are wearing a wide brimmed hat and there is a shadow cast across your face. Using a flash will brighten the dark spots. On that note, don’t be afraid to play around with the shadows. Just like an expertly cut suit or colour placement on a garment can make us look slimmer, so can a shadow. Place the parts of you or the object that you want to highlight in the brighter areas while allowing the shadows to “diminish” the areas you’d rather play down.
  • Filters and Diffusers. If you are looking to soften your image, try using a diffuser over your lens. It doesn’t even need to be an expensive store bought one. You can usually find coloured gels in art supply stores. There are also light diffusers that you can place directly over your flash. This softens the brightness of the light giving your photograph less glare. You know, when you take what you think is the best photo and then find out that there’s a bright white spot in the center. They also increase the size of the light source, the flash, which softens the shadows it casts. Find my review of The Puffer here.

OPTIMIZE REFLECTION. Whenever you see a professional outdoor photo shoot, they are never without those large, white or silver reflectors. What this does is help them control the amount and the angle of light that’s hitting the subject. Remember, the idea is to create soft light and not a harsh, intense one. This is especially important when you are shooting people. No one looks great under a harsh light, but a soft glow will give you the appearance of a smoother complexion.

  • Additional tips. When photographing people, always pay attention to their eyes. You want them to be bright with a little bit of sparkle. This will brighten the overall look of your photo and their complexion. A reflector or a flash will do the trick. You’ll also need to pay attention when photographing someone wearing eyeglasses. For more artistic shots you might want a great reflection, but for regular outfit shots it can get distracting. Try changing the angle of the glasses or the angle of your lighting.
  • Reflectors. If you are feeling more adventurous try using some reflectors for your shots. We are all probably familiar with white reflectors (you know, those large, white, circular shapes that you see someone holding up in front of a model). These give off a soft even light. You can also use colours like gold (which gives the look of a sunset) or silver (this one reflects the most light). The good news is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on one as a large white foam board from your local arts supply store will do.

MAGIC HOUR. This is one of my personal favourite tips because the lighting is so beautiful. This is the time of day when the sun sits low on the horizon, about an hour after the sun has risen and about an hour before it is about to set.  The natural gold and pink tones warm the skin, casting a beautiful soft light on the subject. Just keep in mind that, like everything with nature, the moment is fleeting so plan your shots well because you’ll only have a short time to shoot.

BACKLIGHTING. Sometimes the universe is not on our side (from a photographic point of view because who doesn’t love the sun) and we have to get a little creative with our shots.  Placing your subject directly in front of your light source (the sun) will create a kind of halo effect around them. This can be a very striking shot.

photography for bloggers outdoor shots

Of course, the types of lenses you have and the type of camera you are using will also make a difference with your shots but I’m very aware of the fact that not everyone has the budget or the need for expensive equipment. These are all tips you can use with whatever camera you have on hand.

Do you have any tips you’d like to add, or anything you’d like me to cover in my next post?


Camera’s that I’m loving right now:

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images courtesy of DollarPhotoClub

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  1. really hard work I must tell! 😉

    1. Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for this! I’m still figuring out how to take great outfit shots outside, and it’s so frustrating. Sometimes I come back without any because I can’t get them right. But these tips are so helpful!

    1. Oh I’m so glad to here that! If you have any specific questions or tips that you need let me know and I’ll be happy to try and tackle them for you!

  3. Yessss!!! I’m going to try shooting with the flash on, great idea!

    1. Oh awesome! Lighting is one of the trickiest things to master and I assure you that I’m still practicing and learning…..

  4. Great post – these tips will really help bloggers trying to take their photography to the next level. Although capturing the right moment and composing your shot are very important, it’s my personal belief the light is the most important aspect of creating thoughtful images. I am always chasing light and trying to see how I can get light to work for me.

    Rae | Love from Berlin

    1. Totally agree that when the lighting sucks the whole image can be ruined! I’m working on mastering all of this myself. I find that sometimes getting creative works really well because you get the most original shots. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Great post, I love taking picture outside but it is very difficult to get the right shot.

    1. Thank you! It is hard but the cool thing is that practice really does make perfect.

    1. Thank you!

  6. Wonderful pictures!
    Have a nice week!
    Angela Donava

    1. Thank you!!!

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