Retail therapy why you need it. I’m a big fan of indulging in some retail therapy. This is not about compulsive shopping because that’s a real problem, this is more about searching (and maybe saving up) for that perfect item which is going to feed your soul. I’m a minimalist at heart and I cringe when I have too much stuff, but sometimes you need to spoil yourself. It’s easy to lose yourself when life is happening and taking the time to stop and focus on you will go a long way to diminishing stress and helping you create a positive outlook on life.
You’ve Moved. When we moved from Vancouver Canada to Warsaw Poland we already had a furnished apartment waiting for us, but the first thing we did is go and purchase nice towels and luxurious sheets for our bed. Instead of going somewhere inexpensive, we opted for that feel good moment when we slipped between high end sheets at night. It made the whole experience so much better.
Post Move 2. Now that I was in a new city I wanted to fit in while still retaining my unique style. The first thing I did is shake up my wardrobe. It’s not about buying all new pieces but a pretty top or a nice dress or even some accessories will do the trick. I instantly feel special and there’s a spring in my step. This can help you get through those days when nothing in your life is familiar and you are just finding your way.
Starting A New Job. I always get nervous whenever I’m starting a new job. Buying a new outfit or two calms me down and more importantly, makes me feel good and when I feel good I’m more confident.
To Feel Good. Going shopping doesn’t mean you have to buy anything. Sometimes walking through a store, touching the fabrics and seeing how items have been styled can be enough to give you some inspiration. It also helps to go through your wardrobe. Every now and then I like to sit down and look at my jewelry or my scarves or my bags. I’ll pick them up and create an outfit around them and suddenly I feel that confidence creeping back in.
If You Are In Need Of A Creative Boost. Sometimes we fall into an inexplicable slump. We are in dire need of a vacation and life is just kind of boring. Take an afternoon and go shopping. Put together a few outfits, touch, feel and smell (maybe don’t make this one obvious) the clothing. You’ll see, the colours and textures (yes even if you are looking at only all black pieces) will inspire you.
If You Are Stressed. Sometimes you just need to escape. The beauty of shopping is that it isn’t brain surgery and it allows you to focus on something more frivolous for a few minutes. Your brain will still be working on whatever stressful issues there may be, but you’ll also be taking a break.
Don’t discount this point or take it too lightly. It’s easy to let stress overwhelm us and then we enter a vicious cycle that is really hard to break out of. Sure sometimes it helps to break a sweat or to meditate or to read a good book, but sometimes walking up to a makeup counter and buying that coveted lipstick will be the instant stress release you need, even if it doesn’t last.
If You Aren’t Being Social. I work from from home and am staring at my computer screen most of the day. On occasion, an entire day goes by and I realize that haven’t spoken with anyone. Social interaction is crucial to our well being, if you never speak with anyone, it feels like your brain stops working properly (this may or may not be a scientific fact, as I have no hard data for it, but I stand behind my statement). The act of trying on some clothes or looking at accessories and letting a salesperson help you is huge.
I don’t necessarily think that you need to go shopping every time something goes wrong or whenever you are stressed because that could lead to even more stress if you max out your credit cards. There are times, however, when it can be therapeutic. Give yourself permission to do this for yourself. Don’t worry about being frivolous, you need the time because when you are happy it will reflect on everyone around you.
Need some shopping tips? Then YOUR 8 RULES TO SHOPPING is for you!
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