Stationery and Paper
in Lifestyle

Stationery and Paper


stationery and paper

Stationery and paper. During the past few weeks I’ve been going through old boxes, cleaning out closets and generally streamlining my possessions. In my cleaning frenzy I discovered a box that reignited a whole wave of inspiration for me. While technology is a huge part of my life and I would probably spend my day bumping into walls if I didn’t have my cell phone, ipad and laptop all filled with apps, I still love the feeling and smell of a fresh piece of paper.

Yes I occasionally still write letters the old fashioned way. Just look at this stationery, personalized and everything! It’s like a wonderful and stylized piece of art waiting to be finished.

stationery and paper

I have a whole pile of old notebooks, literally a box, full of old journals. The best part is that I don’t even remember some of my own writing. Spent the whole morning reading poems, ideas for screenplays and little bits of prose. Some I may have to revisit, others… Well lets just say they’ll remain in the dark.

stationery and paper
For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved pens. I even asked for a fountain pen for my 16th birthday. I can’t think of anything better than writing with real ink probably a clear visual, a memory of my grandfather spending hours at his desk writing letters. The beauty of a fountain pen is that the nib forms itself to the weight and angle of the writer’s hand so they are to be used strictly by their owner. Of course it’s not practical to carry a fountain pen around as they sometimes leak, so a few years ago I got myself a beautiful pen that I use whenever I get a creative thought.

stationery and paper

There’s just something I find so inspirational about writing in a fresh notebook. I’m pretty picky about what I buy and lately I’ve found myself coming back to the classic Moleskin. I love the history, the idea that I’m sharing a tradition with the classic authors of our times. A clean fresh notebook is just waiting to be filled with whatever amazing thoughts or images you may have.

As many of you know, I’m all about the accessories: hats, shoes, bags, jewelry you name it! For me a great notebook and a perfectly balanced pen are a part of that family. They compliment my style and I never leave home without them!

Do you love stationery and paper?

*For more on stationery and paper follow me on instagram and twitter*

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  1. Reading this post made me back to my grade school days wherein I used to collect different styles of stationary papers.

    1. I still do…that never left me!

  2. oh you brought me back to the school days ! urghhhh! hehehe kiddinnn
    well i cant even remember the last time I wrote aletter , most probably at school!

    however, I do share your love for beautiful stationary which kinda show in my work notebooks lool
    not the very professional ones but well if it makes you happy ! 😀

    again , it’s a great post doll! im so happy to be back on the laptop after an awful flu! phew! back to normal now!

    1. Oh I’m so glad you feel better! I missed reading your posts!

  3. I still write letters they are so personal and I love to get letters , sometimes it’s better to keep things as writing letters than send an e-mail , people will keep it longer 🙂

    1. Also it’s way more special!

  4. miss Margaret Cruzemark

    I am a huge, huge fan of old fashion writting my self and in my office I have tones of notebooks to write, to draw e.t.c. Don’t you just love the smell of them?
    Best Regards
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark

    1. Yes! There’s something about the feel and smell of a new notebook….can’t get enough.

  5. I never write letters anymore, although I think it is a cool thing to do especially when everything is done digitally and after all. Who doesn’t like receiving things in the post? I know I do.

    But I do love a great notebook, can never have too many of those.

    1. I have way too many notebooks!

  6. I wish I had time for letters; I still write proper thank you notes, though, and I also keep a special fountain pen set aside for the purpose of written correspondence. Somehow, even if it’s just a few quick lines, it looks so much more sincere.

    1. Agreed. I don’t write letters that often but I love them.

  7. Michi of Delphina Luxe

    I can relate to the feeling. Oftentimes when I come across an old notebook I get a little excited to write in it all over again. Oh and stationery stores… so much happiness and eye candy there.

    1. I totally agree! I have a serious weakness for them.

  8. SkyscraperInPumps

    I love reading old journals. It’s humbling to remember the trials and tribulations of yesteryear.

    1. Ha! Also a little embarrassing…talk about teen angst, actually it followed me into my 20’s!

      1. SkyscraperInPumps

        Mine was angst, and stupid infatuations, and sometimes I wish my troubles now were as silly as they were then…but then again, I’ll probably look back at now sometime later and think the same.

  9. Thanks for the lovely comment on the AMOREPACIFIC product!! I am really interested to hear more about your experience and the product! Have you done a review on it or would you maybe considering doing one?

    1. I did a mini review but I’d love to do a longer one! I use the mask all the time…it’s definitely a lifesaver!!!!

  10. Nice stuff 🙂 I love sending postcards. Plus that I’m a sucker for notebook. I write random stuff 🙂
    x, Lara

  11. I agree! I love writing letters to people! They are just so much more personal. 😀 I make my own envelopes too so it’s even more fun sending out letters!

    1. Oh that’s so great, what an awesome touch, love it!

  12. I love handwritten letters and collecting notebooks!

  13. Love your post! brought memories of my grandfather. He was a musician and I used to see writing a lot too. Great memories.

    Karen A.

    1. That sounds so wonderful!

  14. Tiffy Diamond (@Tiffy4u)

    I recently did some cleaning too and came across all of these notebooks! I have a bit of an obsessions it seems in journals. It’s the writer in me. I also love pens and even after finding so many hardly used journals I’m always eyeing more. 🙂


    1. Me too! I find them in every corner of my home.

  15. oh wow what a collection of pens! it’s so true there’s nothing like writing a letter and posting it in the mail! i used to collect stationary as well, and had a box of calligraphy pens!

    1. Ha! That was a seriously editing version of what I have…it’s really bad. I used to love practicing calligraphy too. I suck at drawing so it was always a great outlet.

  16. I recently did some cleaning too and came across all of these notebooks! I have a bit of an obsessions it seems in journals. It’s the writer in me. I also love pens and even after finding so many hardly used journals I’m always eyeing more. 🙂


  17. I absolutely love Moleskin notebooks! I always buy them when I go into Barnes & Nobles (no matter how many I have laying round at home). Thanks for the recent comment on my blog. Hope we can keep in touch 🙂
    ♥ xoxo Cori

  18. Writing letters give them a much personal note.Who wouldn’t like to get something in their mail?

  19. We love the smell of paper, too!!!!

  20. Love you posts sweetie ,
    thanks for commenting on my blog , you are the best .


  21. Tanja Trutschnig

    hey thank you for your comment on my blog! You have a great blog too. Would be happy to see you on my blog again. Just uploaded a new look!

    xx Stoffy

  22. wow…those times… 🙂 great post! Have a great day

  23. Technology is a great part of our everyday life but don´t forget paper ROCKS, people!!
    I´m sorry but I´m not digging the E-book…not even a little bit! I like real books and looooooove old handwrite letters and journals! (aparently I have a granda inside that I didn´t know about…)


  24. This post brought so many memories of my grandpa. Great post dear, loved it!

  25. YES, it’s all about the smell of paper and the sound of cracking a fresh notebook open. Thanks for coming by my blog!! I think you’re the 4th person ever to post a comment. I celebrate everytime someone posts, haha

  26. I also love collecting old notebooks.
    And my book.. I have to have them in paper!!

    Check out my New Blog? 😀

    Maybe follow each other back via bloglovin??

    Love, A!

  27. Amazing style and blog! I alwas have a lot of notebooks and then I like they covers so much and I’m not writing in them because they’re too pretty 😛 🙂

    xoxo from Poland

    1. I’m the same way, half of mine are empty!!!

  28. hello!!!! Happy New Year dear… your blog is so great… please come visit my blog and if you like it let me know if you would like us to follow each other to be in contact…

  29. Hey honey!
    Nice blog! 🙂
    How about following each other?
    Follow me and I promise to do the same! 🙂

    xo xo

  30. Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than an old fashioned, handwritten letter! Such a shame that it’s so rare these days..

  31. It looks so lovely, I came back to agendas. For me its much easier way to stay in control, because when I open the laptop or phone to check something I normally spent hours to checking. Its save time. And when I receive a post card I keep it for long time.

    1. I agree completely! Notebooks are just more time efficient.

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