Staying fit when you have no time. We are almost halfway into December and whether or not you are big on celebrating the holidays, you are probably finding yourself scrambling for time to fit in your usual workout. With all the yummy foods that seem to constantly be everywhere and the extra time you are spending waiting in line at the mall or grocery store or seeing friends or just finishing up projects at work, chances are that your regularly scheduled workouts might be slipping.
Obviously the first thing I’m going to tell you is that you should try to schedule in a workout whenever possible (and actually go) but I understand that it’s not always possible. As long as you are somewhat watching what you eat there’s no reason not to maintain your fitness levels until your schedule calms down and returns to normal.
What I’m not going to tell you is to take the stairs, I mean how many times can we read the same thing over and over again? (Disclaimer, this tip has probably appeared in a post or two). While taking the stairs is a good thing in general it’s not always practical. For example, I live on the 13th floor of my building and I’ve taken the stairs several times but it’s not always the most practical thing especially since I’m sweating by the time I make it home. Also, there’s no way I’m going to take the stairs wearing heels or if I’m in a big rush.
Push Ups. This is probably the best total body exercise than you can do. Start your day by doing as many push ups as you can. Make sure you get your chest as close to the floor as possible. The morning movement will get your blood flowing and give you a boost of energy.
Squats. Get the perfect glute and leg burn doing squats while you brush your teeth. If you can’t coordinate the movements then simply bend your knees into a deep ballet-like plie and stay in that position until you are done. Just watch that your knees are pointing directly over your toes and that you are engaging your stomach muscles. If you can manage the coordination then add a calf raise each time you straighten your legs for an added level of difficulty.
Vertical Sit Ups. Okay, so you aren’t actually doing sit ups, but you will be working those abdominal muscles. Every time you are waiting or in an elevator, every time you look at the time pull engage your abdominal muscles and hold for 15 seconds. You don’t need to suck them in for dear life just enough that you can hold them in. Release and repeat 3x.
Biceps Curls. Most women I know carry a bag and generally that bag isn’t on the light side so it makes the perfect weight. When you are waiting to cross the street or in the checkout line (wherever you are) do 10-12 curls with each arm. I guarantee no one is going to notice but voila you’ve just gotten some weight lifting in.
Constant Cardio. Sure if you are looking to improve your cardio then you need to do intervals and push yourself but since this is just for maintenance all you need to do is keep moving. Every time you find yourself standing still shift your weight or walk around.
Constant Cardio Part 2, Stand. You burn more calories standing than sitting so set your watch and every time you find that you’ve been sitting for 30 minutes get up and stand.
Remember this isn’t a forever way of life although you absolutely can incorporate it into your day at any time. Being healthy isn’t all or nothing it’s about the small choices you make every day.
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