Skin Care Tips For Your 20s
Skin Care tips for your 20s. Although it’s tough to think about getting older, your 20’s are when you need to start creating good habits...
Is CrossFit Right For You
Is CrossFit right for you. In the past few years, hard hitting, high energy workouts like CrossFit have been gaining in popularity. It’s no wonder...
Your Workout Motivation
Your workout motivation. Having been a trainer, I’ve heard probably every excuse in the book about why people couldn’t exercise. In over 15 years, I...
Yoga VS Pilates Which One Is For You
Yoga VS Pilates which one is for you. Let me begin by saying that I am a fan of both practices and I feel that...
High Impact VS Low Impact
High impact vs low impact. Over the years I’ve been privy to a lot of discussions about high impact vs low impact exercise. Often there...
Is Running Bad For Your Knees
Is running bad for your knees? I started running a number of years ago. I think that it’s hard to live in Vancouver and not...
Secrets To Beautiful Skin
Secrets to beautiful skin. Lately my focus has been on how to achieve a beautiful complexion. I’m not interested getting age spots, skin discolorations or...
Beginners Guide To Gym Equipment Part 1
A beginners guide to gym equipment. New Year’s resolutions will soon be upon us and many of you will be purchasing gym memberships or renewing...
Free Weights VS Machines
Free weights vs machines. We’ve already discussed the importance of lifting weights and all the benefits it brings. When you are faced with the choice...
How To Stay Healthy For The Holidays
How to stay healthy for the holidays. We recently discussed what foods are best for energy, but all of that easily goes out the window...