The Sartorialist
in Lifestyle

The Sartorialist

The Sartorialist

The Sartorialist. This post was supposed to have been written yesterday but unfortunately Scott Schuman’s (aka The Sartorialist) visit was delayed, so I’d like to thank everyone for their patience. Frankly, I’m pleasantly surprised that he came to Vancouver. Of course he was very welcomed by the entire blogging, fashion, retail and ‘other’s’ community for his book signing at a fabulous store called, Secret Location.

The Sartorialist

My most amazing of all husband’s agreed to leave work early for the sheer pleasure of standing in line with me and to take pictures, as a result almost all of these are credited to him! We made sure to get there fairly early so the wait wasn’t too bad, I think the whole thing took about an hour or so.

The Sartorialist

I love The Sartorialist, he was the very first blog I ever followed and I make sure to check in every single day, so much so that I have an app dedicated just to him on my phone. My background is in writing, in translating visuals into words and words into visuals. His photographs open up a dialogue in my mind. When I look at his pictures stories start flowing into my brain, some long and some short. There are long flow-y sentences and incomplete sentences. Real words and those I’ve created. He allows me to temporarily lose myself in my thoughts.

The Sartorialist

In real life Scott Schuman is a really nice guy. He greeted me and we proceeded to have a nice, slightly awkward conversation that went something like this:

S.S: “Thank you for waiting in line”.

Me: “Of course” (Thinking, “Uh, yeah don’t you know who you are?”)

S.S: “Everyone just seems so nice here”.

Me: Smiling while giving a little nod, “Oh well, you know…”

S.S: “Well no one has asked to return the book yet”

Me: Laughing, ” Well you never know what’s going to appear on Ebay tomorrow”

Me banging my head on the table thinking “Really? You meet this awesome individual and all you can think of saying is that you’ll make a buck off his signature….”,. then thinking, “Hmmm, actually that’s not a bad idea”.

S.S (Thank goodness) Laughing, “Hey that’s a great idea!”

The Sartorialist

The Sartorialist

No, I will not be selling my signed copy, I love it and will definitely be spending countless hours enjoying all the amazing stories!

Do you love The Sartorialist?

*For more on The Sartorialist and other amazing photographers join me on instagram and twitter*

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  1. Love him! xxx

  2. Please tell me you follow Garance’s blog as well. She’s also a rockstar.

    1. Sure! She just has a totally different site. It would have been cool to see her as well.

  3. I hope to meet him one day!
    Please vote for me at this
    link for the Grazia contest!

  4. Very cool!!!

  5. Aack!! That is so cool – a signed copy! I have the first book at home and haven’t had the time to pick up a copy of Closer.

    I’m going to have to check out his schedule on the web site and see if he’ll be anywhere in the Northeast next week… I’ll be on vacation and maybe I can track him down.

    1. He’s in NY tonight but I think his schedule is on his site. Hopefully you’ll get to meet him! It was a really fun experience.

      1. Darn it! I’m in Philadelphia tonight, going to NYC on Friday. I will definitely look in to it, he’s got to spend more than a night in the city!

  6. oh caroline before saying I’m so happy for you that you met him finally got a signed copy of the book and chatted with a blogging legend , i have to say I’m soooo jealous right now loool
    but HEY! you never know ! please mr. the sartorialist come to dubai 🙂
    great post and i must admit your husband is a pretty good photographer! beautiful photos 🙂

    1. It was super cool! I have to say I was really surprised that he would come to Vancouver so you never know…..

  7. How cool that you got to meet him 🙂
    x, Lara

  8. wow, that is really cool.i guess you had a great time!
    kisses jess

    1. It was a lot of fun. The best part may even have been seeing how everyone was dressed!

  9. Fashion Tag (Dana Cristina)

    how cool that u met him!!!!! fantastic post, photos, writing! loved it!

    1. Well you are awesome! Thank you. (it was hard giving up my camera but I still like my pic best….it’s the one of him)

  10. awesome! so happy for you, I would have loved to meet him !

    kisses Keke (Pakize)

  11. Beautiful shots!

    1. Thanks!

  12. Jamie "ChatterBlossom

    Haha! Glad you got to meet him and it was really nice of your hubs to go too!

    1. Yeah, I only had to buy him a small bribe!

  13. Awesome!! I love the conversation you had with him, LOL! Let me know how the book is, I don’t get to read much, but enjoy it when I find the time 🙂


    1. I will! To be honest I wasn’t dying to buy the book, it’s all pics I see on his blog anyway but I’m glad I have it.

  14. Awesome!! I love the conversation between the two of you, LOL! Let me know how the book is!!


  15. omg Caroline that’s sooooo rad!!! I follow his girlfriend, Garance’s, youtube channel. Together their art is phenomenal. Thanks for this awesome post congrats for meeting a pioneer successful blogger! (one day that’ll be us teehee)


    1. I love her too! Kicking myself that I didn’t slip him my business card, but I spammed him with this post as much as I could!!!

  16. OH MY GOSH. Totally fangirling because YOU GOT TO MEET HIM. Ahhhh.


  17. Cool. It was too bad I couldn’t make it to the event.

    1. It was a lot of fun, but get yourself on Secret Location’s social media radar ’cause they seem to be on a role with who they are bringing in!

      1. It was just because they changed the day.

  18. Melissa & Megan @goldonblack

    Awwww so glad you met him!

  19. Ohh a mini flat iron building! 😀

    1. It is! I just had to include that picture my husband caught the light perfectly.

      1. its so pretty!! to me it was so amazing to see the one in nyc in november, when i went there for the first time. 🙂

  20. You are so lucky!! Love his work!

    -xoxo- lorena

  21. wooooooow!

    xx gongy

    1. You are hilarious!

  22. Nice! Your conversation with him is pretty close to how mine went with Tim Gunn years ago when I was in school, haha. Grateful that both of them are incredibly gracious.

    1. Oh, I would love to hear about that! He’s another one of those people I’d love to meet.

  23. Love Scott (and Garance)! And your comment to him was very funny!

  24. Michi of Delphina Luxe

    Awesome that you had some interaction, and kudos for waiting in line for that long!

  25. Cute blog. I have to giggle. Perhaps only as recently as a couple of years ago S.S. not to mention anyone else, would choose to have a book signing in my “hood”. How far we have come. Thanks. I enjoyed your commentary.

    1. I know it’s the change has been amazing! Frankly I’m always shocked whenever anyone like him even comes to this city….is that bad to say?

      1. Not at all. We are a big little big town but with a growing appeal.

  26. wow, really cool! xoxo

  27. so jealous! I kept hoping that he’d make Montreal a stop on his book tour…but alas –
    I’m sure that when you’ve got a spot of writer’s block you can open his book to any page and find inspiration to get you jumpstarted –


  28. Whaaaaa?????!!!! Scott Schuman in Vancouver?! I wonder if shots of Vancouver fashionistas will be showing up on his site?

    1. I have no idea if he took pictures but I’m following extra closely now!

  29. Oh wow! So lucky! I absolutely adore The Sartorialist too. It was the first blog that I started following. I really hope he took some shots of Vancouver- I’d be a little surprised if he didn’t. One of my favourite cities, hands down!

  30. oh wow that must’ve been sooo exciting! lucky girl!

  31. omg, omg, I am SO freaking jealous! I love him! You’re one lucky gal, friend! Vancouver, a city I must visit with the little one, soon I hope! xxG

    1. Vancouver is a great city in July/August/September, otherwise there might be a lot of rain!

      1. got it, thanks! I really want to travel more w/my daughter. definitely thinking about it! xo 🙂

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