Warsaw Street View
in Lifestyle

Warsaw Street View

warsaw street view

Warsaw street view

This post is about a different kind of style. In recent months, I’ve had many requests to put together a post about Warsaw. While I love this city and am here for now, I think of myself as a resident of the world and plan on discovering many wonderful places.

Of course, it has been a big change moving across the ocean and especially from a casual city like Vancouver. There are many similarities, for example everyone’s love for the outdoors. Vancouverites certainly love their open air patios and I was delighted to discover that it’s no different here. As soon as the temperatures hit above 15 degrees Celsius, seating appeared in front of every restaurant in the city. Busy street? No problem! Is there room for a table and chairs? Yes? Then let’s do it! What I noticed most, is the incredible mass of colours everywhere. From the food to the flowers in abundance, the visuals blend seamlessly with the sounds and smells of the endless rows of restaurants and cafes.

warsaw street view

While I admit that many of my Vancouver days were spent wearing workout wear while walking or jogging on the seawall, that kind of dressing doesn’t go over so well here. True, it’s starting to sneak in a little bit, but I’ve been forced to rethink my wardrobe and now you’ll more often than not see me wearing, what we liked to call, ‘real clothes’.  Here I’m inspired to take more chances and wear brighter colours. Perhaps it’s the flowers and the food stands at every corner, but much of the time I feel like I’m living in a romantic fairytale.

warsaw street view

Then of course, there’s the architecture. Much of the city was destroyed during the war, but many of the buildings were quickly rebuilt to their original glory. Now, modern lines and materials intermingle with intricate details of the old. Kind of like a sleek contemporary outfit, paired with a vintage bag or a retro pair of sunnies. At every corner, there is something new to discover, something different to see. As with most old cities, there is constant work being done to improve the infrastructure and the result is a living and breathing organism, that you quickly become a part of.

What’s your favourite view from the street?

*For more on Warsaw street view follow me on instagram and twitter*


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  1. How stunning! Great photography! Warsaw seems like an unexpectedly beautiful city. I love how the streets are lined with patios as soon as it is warm enough out.
    And also, that workout wear (for casual) isn’t really a thing and that people wear “proper” clothing when they go out. I know that I too am guilty of this on the odd lazy Saturday afternoon but I do wish Canadians- North Americans, would take a break from it and generally be more fashion forward.
    Keep sharing your time in Warsaw!


    ps- I (potentially) am headed to a place I know you definitely miss in a few weeks. Can you guess?

    1. Yay! If you go then please go to Scuie in Yaletown (by the roundhouse) for breakfast.

  2. That’s beautiful und wow, that food looks delicious!!!!! I want a piece of that cake!


  3. You’ve captured the heart of Warsaw beautifully in these pictures. I love the architecture, it’s a great mix old and new. I could wander the streets for days.

    Xo, Jackie

    1. Thanks so much! I really like this city and I love wandering the streets.

  4. Must be a delight to sit at cafes taking in the city, nothing better than that. The gift the Soviet Union bestowed upon the city, the Palace of Culture and Science.


    1. It really is. I love watching the city go by!

  5. Really lovely pics! Kisses, Lucy http://www.tpinkcarpet.com

    1. Thank you so much!

  6. Wow… amazing pics… this city is so so beautiful!!!!!!
    Kisses doll!!!

    My Facebook

    1. It really is a beautiful city! Thank-you.

  7. Warsaw looks absolutely beautiful. I used to live in Austria (now Australia) and used to travel a whole heap, but sadly never to Warsaw 🙁 Must try and get there next year 🙂

    Luc x

  8. Ummm… planning a trip to Canada STAT! Love this post 🙂


    1. Thanks so much! This is actually Warsaw Poland but Canada is wonderful as well and I’m definitely missing it.

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